Don't be alarmed bro I'm just about to slap a GN badge on your chest lol
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Don't be alarmed bro I'm just about to slap a GN badge on your chest lol

Bigup AFN family.. be up and running again in the next few days
Hello AFN, here we go again!
I havent been here much lately but I haven't been spleeping either. Just wanted to sort out my PH problems, before restarting my journal.

So here we are! I am now on day 41 and 38, with two Dutch Passion Auto White Widow.

Germination went really smooth for AWW1 a bit more complex for AWW2

Germinated using a glass of PHd water (still using vinegar by this point) in which the beans soacked for 24 hours.
Moved to paper towel, AWW1 shows a nice tip after 12 hours so is transfered to a prewet Peat pellet using a wet cotton swab. Another 24 hours and the lady shows her head.
AWW2 was sawn in the pellet 24 hours after N˚1 but decided to grow her head down. After a little struggle turning it around, she pops her head too. The girls are 3 days appart.

Both pellets were thansfered to there final 15L Airpots filled 70% Plagron Light mix and 30% Perlite.

The young plant seemed to struggle and it was all down to my PH.
I am feeding as per Duck Commander schedule the only difference being I alternate fish mix and grow until week 5.

By day 20 I purchase an Organic PH down from Canna, its Citric Acid. The stuff is strong and I only need 0.3ml per 5L to reduce the PH from 8 to 6.9 before mixing my nutes.

During this period AWW1 was growing really short intrenodes spaces.
I also realise that AWW2 was double headed, as if I had topped the main stem which I haven't.

From here everything seems to unlock it self. Foliar feeding Cal-mag as also definitely improved things, but I have lost a lot of growth by this time.

I only strated to take pictures for day 20-17


After a foliar feed.


AWW1 Day27 showing pistils


AWW2 Day 24 showed sex too.



AWW1 Day 33


AWW2 Day 30



AWW1 Day 36

AWW2 Day 35
Both are now on bloom feed.





AWW1 Day 40.
Also she is not super tall the side branches have now reached higher than the top stem nearly 35cm long for most of them. No LSTing or any help from me.
I will be cutting one of the smaller side branches who is not going to get enough light in the future. She is as large as my tent and might need some support when the buds starts swelling. In the mid time my fan is blowing straight trhough her in an attempt to get her to toughen up.


AWW2 Day 37 still stretching

For the light heights I mainly followed TaNg recommended ones, but have tried to get them to stretch a lilttle bit by giving an extra 5-10cm. Not sure if it was conclusive.

Light is now at 45cm on top of the canopy.

Well that is it for now my friends, will be updating this thread every 3 to 5 days from now, and I will also be starting a new thread soon in the Sweet Seeds section as I just soacked a bean of auto Big Devil XL.

Glad to be back.

Wow very nice! My WW doesn't have nearly that good of node spacing!
Looking good AWW is on my list and some sweet seeds,don't know what?good to have you back.:)
Looking good AWW is on my list and some sweet seeds,don't know what?good to have you back.:)
Welcome back bro it's good to see you.
Welcome back bro it's good to see you.
Cheers matey, it is good to be here. :cool:

Looking good AWW is on my list and some sweet seeds,don't know what?good to have you back.:)
Hey Bunny, AWW is amazing. Classic smell of the original hands down one of my favourite.

Wow very nice! My WW doesn't have nearly that good of node spacing!
Hey mate do you have a journal on here? it would be great to see your ladies.

So the girls are doing good, still a bit of PH problem I think or maybe a bit of Cal-Mag which they have on every feed.
Still Feeding as per DC' Biobizz schedule
Per 1L
-3ml Grow
-3ml Alga
-2ml Bloom
-2.5ml Topmax
No more Bio Heaven
and 3ml of Humbolt Equilibrium (Cal_mag) per 5L

I will be switching to Plagron Green Sensation on week 7 and stop the Topmax.

AWW1 Day46






So I ve started a bit of LST on the side branches to get the bud starting as low as possible, but by doing so it seems I 've lost vital light, the girl now being too large. The tent is litterally packed and the AWW2 is getting not as much as she deserves.
After finding an MS0006 on the Bay but loosing the bid due to a fail snipe app.:stoneslap: I decided to buy couple extra CFLs 45W in 2700k to hang under the canopy and where necessary. These should be running sometimes next week. But I will hopefully be able to get my hands on another ms0006 or go for the new GN unit, expected anytime now.... :woohoo:

AWW2 Day 43



This girl seems to still be on the stretch. white pistils popping everywhere.

I haven't started the tread about the Big Devil XL yet but she is in there too, and soon will be looking for the bright side :grin:.