thanks for the compliment man as they say practice makes perfect. its always good to be concerned about how productive you can make your grow space and it sounds like you are locking down all the fine details for the next one. Cant wait to see what you do in the future also buddy.
thanks for the compliment man as they say practice makes perfect. its always good to be concerned about how productive you can make your grow space and it sounds like you are locking down all the fine details for the next one. Cant wait to see what you do in the future also buddy.

Hopefully the changes I am bringing in my room will improve my tent climate, and ensure happier ladies :)
Cheers mate.

AWW1 day94 _ AWW2 day 91
So today after a few days on water only I took down all the top buds of AWW2 as after a check few amber trichs were present the leaves on the top were also all dried up, the bottoms still got green leaves and trichs are mainly cloudy with no amber yet, few more days and I will chop the rest. Top buds only came in at 63g wet with maybe an other 30/40 more grams for the bottoms, I should hit just about an Oz of dried tasty White Widow.

AWW1 will come down at the same time I reckon. TaNg's Thang

Some shots of AWW2






Tomorrow I will introduce a 19 day old Sweet Seeds Big Devil XL, which at the beginning didn't get much light as she was in the shadows of the AWWs but since adding the second GN has been thriving.

Oh and I also dropped a bean of DP AutoXtreme in some water. Let's get some X-rated buds...:twist:
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I love those trich pictures. What did you use to take them man? That bud looks soo good especially with the purple tinge in it.
Hopefully the changes I am bringing in my room will improve my tent climate, and ensure happier ladies :)
Cheers mate.

AWW1 day94 _ AWW2 day 91
So today after a few days on water only I took down all the top buds of AWW2 as after a check few amber trichs were present the leaves on the top were also all dried up, the bottoms still got green leaves and trichs are mainly cloudy with no amber yet, few more days and I will chop the rest. Top buds only came in at 63g wet with maybe an other 30/40 more grams for the bottoms, I should hit just about an Oz of dried tasty White Widow.

AWW1 will come down at the same time I reckon. TaNg's Thang

Some shots of AWW2






Tomorrow I will introduce a 19 day old Sweet Seeds Big Devil XL, which at the beginning didn't get much light as she was in the shadows of the AWWs but since adding the second GN has been thriving.

Oh and I also dropped a bean of DP AutoXtreme in some water. Let's get some X-rated buds...:twist:

Congrats on the first part harvest. Some really lovely colours in those buds sour. Well done man :slap:
Good morning AFN,

I love those trich pictures. What did you use to take them man? That bud looks soo good especially with the purple tinge in it.

Hey Grim, I used a clip on phone magnifier, search "clip on phone magnifier X60 LED" it looks like this.


It takes a bit of practice/patience, to get a clear shot but I do love spend some time looking at these thrichs.
The purple tinge is really eye appealing, hopefully the taste will be too.. Thanks for swinging by mate and congrats on the POM win.

Congrats on the first part harvest. Some really lovely colours in those buds sour. Well done man :slap:

GMan thanks for the rep mate and the kind words.

The rest of AWW2 came in at 59g wet making a total of 122g wet.
The tops which I had cut prior came after a week in paper bags at 20.2g dry, in jar curing now with Boveda pack 62%. It will hopefully stay around this weight maybe minus couple of grams (not from me picking in the jar :hump:)



AWW1 got the chop on the same day as the second part of AWW2.
And came in at 205g wet


It's the only pic I took as by the end of it I was way too stoned :smoke:

Scissor Hash had the most amazing flavours, ranging from...err well hard to explain but damn that was good.


Bags are getting emptied tonite after 7 days drying it's a bit longer than what I usually paper bag dry them but it got quiet humid since Saturday so they got an extra day.
So final weights and pics should be in tonite.

Now for the new gals...

Sweet Seed Big Devil XL. Has I previously mentionned this girl spent most of her first week under the canopy not getting much light, but hopefully will get her vengeance during stretch... Got thrips issue on her, treated with neem oil.


Here couple days ago at day 27.


Not sure if I will document this girl fully here, time will tell. But I dont think it would show the real potential of this strain. Still got a bean after one of them failing to germinate.

Also in the cab is a Dutch Passion AutoXtreme, which popped right out in paper towel, moved into a peat pellet and directly into the soil.
A day later she showed her head up... Nice and easy.
Germination rate for me so far with DP is 100%.


A big update today but didn't get time last week so...

Wishing you all a good day.

Scissor hash is the one.widow looks tasty,easy Sour,laters
Scissor hash is the one.widow looks tasty,easy Sour,laters

Hey Bunny, damn right I still have a scissor to scrap, probably be gone by the end of the weekend tho ah. Got to taste AWW2 last night after a week of cure and its amazingly fruity and the high is well relaxing.

Okay so the dry weights.
AWW1 came in at 76g dry, so a bit over 2 1/2 Oz
AWW2 came in at 19g dry tops and another 16g dry out of the bottom for a total of 35g

Grand Total 111g of dank Auto White Widow.



This is nearly triple from my previous grow, happy Sour.:smoke:

And all is thanks to AFN, and members. Thanks for the help everyone. :bump:

Now for the new ladies.

Sweet Seeds BDXL Day33
Nice lush green on the leaves. She is really firing up now with a growth of nearly 2cm a day.
Feeding every couple days.

DP AutoXtreme Day 8
New set of leaves and got her first light feed today.
Looking good so far.

Temps in the room are between 20˚ during lights off and about 25˚ during lights on.






I love Auto White Widow myself dude, its one of my all time favourites. It has lovely fruity, sort of candy smell undertones infused with a powerful pine smell over lapping over all. Great harvest dude and thanks for the picture of the magnifier. Hope you document the rest of your plants i would love to see how they get on later.
Got to try the widow after Blueberry I need more fruit in my life.
Got to try the widow after Blueberry I need more fruit in my life.

I count it as one of my 5 fruit and vegetable a day.. I do love some blueberry too..

I love Auto White Widow myself dude, its one of my all time favourites. It has lovely fruity, sort of candy smell undertones infused with a powerful pine smell over lapping over all. Great harvest dude and thanks for the picture of the magnifier. Hope you document the rest of your plants i would love to see how they get on later.

Thats exactly it man it smell of piney sweetness. I will try and do updates as often as possible for sure. Hopefully those X ladies will bring some weight with them.. :)

Forgot to ask, what you had in mind for your next crop?
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