@otuaflower very much so, its mainly the BlueKaramel from the kraken, with a mix of the Bubba.


Okay so the HubbaBubba now on day 73 has been flushed for about 8 days and will get the chop this week at some point, also she has started shooting some foxtails, she is about 5-10% amber now.



Blue Kraken day 67, what a stinker!!
This girl has really started putting on the weight now and nearly all colas need support.
She is been on 3ml Bloom, 3ml Heaven, 0.5ml GreenSensation and alternating 1ml of Grow , no grow. everyday
Another few days on GS at a higher rate, and maybe another week of bloom and it will be flush time.

Sorry about the pink glow I just cant take this girl out anymore.




DP Auto Euforia day 29,

This girl shown pistil on day 25, I suspected an iron def coupled with some nute burn but she has since recovered.
Loads of side branching, classic DP I love it..



A new girl will be soaked today, not sure yet as I am sitting on a few beans!
Edit: New girl will be UK Cheese Auto by Shaman Genetics.

The continuous Autogrow is back full swing, one in one out!

Thanks for looking.

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@sanguine Thanks mate, a good ol bit of stinky cheese for Xmas this year! :smoking:

Good to have you around @Bunny, I am sitting on so many beans still bro.. I like to be able to choose my smoke depending on my mood, still got some of every plant I've grown this year to end of last!
@sanguine Thanks mate, a good ol bit of stinky cheese for Xmas this year! :smoking:

Good to have you around @Bunny, I am sitting on so many beans still bro.. I like to be able to choose my smoke depending on my mood, still got some of every plant I've grown this year to end of last!
yes the biggest benefit of the continuous grow! more strains more choices and the ability to switch up as the mood strikes :) at least that's why I do it too
yes the biggest benefit of the continuous grow! more strains more choices and the ability to switch up as the mood strikes :) at least that's why I do it too
That exactly it Elsam bro! Thanks, my camera is having some problem of autofocus so it's all manual focos quiet happy with this shot!


Chop day for Hubba Bubba Auto was on day 77 same day as the UK Cheese Auto broke soil.



So I can expect about 35g from this girl. It smelled so good during the chop like in a candy shop. Full of resin, smoked the cisor hash and bloody me it' was tasty too.. I will confirm in a month or so.

Now the new comer, Shaman Genetics UK Cheese Auto.

Day 0 was a couple days ago.


Now for the Blue Kraken on Day 73 today. Flush starts today too.
This plant must be the most healthy I have grown by a long far, the stinkiest too.
Also the first time that I get healthy Yellow leaves with not too many defeciencies if any... Quiet interested to see what's the outcome.



The Euforia, will be getting her first taste of bloom in the next few days. So far so good, just an hungry girl at day 35.

