Hi Sourb

Its good to see you back here dude, i was away myself for a while.
Your new strain choice is looking rather cool dude.
Love the size of thast BK and i cant wait to see how your Auto Euphoria grows out.
Im growing one out right now too.
Looking forward to your updates man.
Hi Sourb

Its good to see you back here dude, i was away myself for a while.
Your new strain choice is looking rather cool dude.
Love the size of thast BK and i cant wait to see how your Auto Euphoria grows out.
Im growing one out right now too.
Looking forward to your updates man.

Hi Grim,
Thanks man, I am trying to explore a wide range of beans. Probably running the Blue Kush next from Dinafem.
As for the BK she is getting a little out of hand to be honest haha so had to bend her a little.
Saw that you got the straps out for your Euforia I will be watching...
Update on the Shaman ladies..

The HubbaBubba is a little slow, might of overwatered her a bit and the tent got to 30˚ so she is showing some heat stress on the leaves .

The Blue Kraken got too big so I had to tie her down a little. I will probably opt. to give some inclinaison to one of the lights to get the best coverage. She is getting 1L a day and I will up this on week 7.

BK Day45 and HB Day51




The BK, she must be close to 1 meter now.



HB leaves edges curling in I will go with heat stress, getting the light a little higher should do the trick.

Auto Euforia.
Little variegated lady but she looks fine for a 7 day old.

Weekly updtate:

Shaman Genetics.

The Hubba Bubba on day 59 seems to have recovered from her heat shock also there is some leaves yellowing she hasn't fatten up much since last week.
Another week of feed and it will be chop time around day 80.
Trichromes are mainly cloudy now, I will keep an eye on them and might decide to chop earlier than previously mentioned.
She smells of Bubble gum and berries.

The Blue Kraken on day 53, she is on full flower now so I released her from her ties this morning. The buds are developing nicely, frost is starting to show up. A fresh blueberry caramel smell to her very fruity.






Now for the Dutch Passion lady.
AutoEuforia Day15 She is getting a first proper feed today. The variegation seems to have stopped now and the new growth are of a healthy green. She has developed a nice stem for her self in a week. Done some leaves tucking after these flicks were taken.


Having a little wake and bake of SweetSpecial this morning... Smooooooothhhhh:smoking:
To be continued...
Looking great man, what do you think caused the discolouration? :pass:
Looking great man, what do you think caused the discolouration? :pass:

Thanks Dazed mate, to be honest I have no clue what could of caused this.
I went with the simplest way of explaining, putting it on a genetic deformation or variegation, as I had a weird mutated 2 fingers leaves on the first nod, while the opposite was a 1 finger.
But the following growth were normal.

I don't want to exclude anything, but don't want to get too alarmed either I read about some viruses and that...
It could be PH, an excess of Rhyzo, under watering...

Any ideas?
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No idea bro, I was just reading up on it, can't find anything really. Most common is that it's a genetic thing. She looks healthy enough!