Okay, I just read through the whole thread...
1) iLI, I believe you have the wrong impression about the purpose of flushing... We do a flush, generally when the ph is locking out the nutes. A normal flush (2-3x mix amount) is not going to make a fresh, hot mix "not hot".
2) I would like to be given 1 (one) single example of an experienced, seasoned grower that recommends starting seedlings in

OF. I do not know of any. I have seen quite a few of our members mention they do this, but not a single one of them I have seen, has gotten beyond the "experimenting" phase of their grow careers.
I know you have heard many members claim that
OF is safe for seedlings. This may be a good lesson on being careful whose advice we heed.
iLI, I will be happy to discuss in private... The emotional fervor of this thread has already gone beyond acceptable levels. Other than that, it's all good. bro.
You should know from experience, there are people willing and available to you, that you can validate conflicts you get in information. One mistake I see first timers make is, when there is a conflict of information, they pick the one they like best, instead of going to someone who has a time-tested growing track record. I'm not proposing that I am such a person, but it's pretty easy to figure out who they are.
THIS IS A SUGGESTION TO ALL NEW GROWERS: When you ask for help in the public forum, you will get good advice and bad advice... When there is a conflict, and you're not sure which is correct, go to one of the mods, and ask them privately. You can go to the "Site News" forum to see who the designated mods are for the issue you are concerned with.