Son of Hobbes tests Mars II 1600W 5W LED + Mars Grow Tent + Mephisto Genetics + Terrestrial Bean Com

Afternoon everyone! :d5:

Hobbs they make them in 1,2,3,5 and 7 gallons I believe.

I only saw them in the 5 and 7 gallon flavors; I'll do some more searching online here.

I love the advanced nutrients SOH. I have never gone above 1.5 mills on the base nutes and most suppliments if not all that i use i use half strength making it quite affordable voo doo just pumps up the root mass and rhino skin makes them so strong they can pretty well hold there own weight with out having to support them and zero ph problems. supps. I use are voo doo carboload sensizym rhino skin big bud overdrive and bud factor x and B52. I just used ab grow and bloom outdoors seeing no reason for the suppilments but i was wrong. I grew some monster plants under leds with those base nutes and supps. when I moved indoors last year not once did i use a meter either

Is it possible to run the AN pH Perfect Trio by themselves and still get adequate results? Or are the other pieces of the puzzle required to make it all work?

I have a bottle of Silica Blast but I'm just about out of it; will probably order up some soon.

If not on this grow, maybe the next I'll try playing around with the different nutes.

Subbed - looking forward to seeing an expert make the switch!

Have you got a big bottle of calmag ready SoH?

I germinate my seeds in a weak solution of the stuff now so I can get the seedlings under the leds as soon as they show a green leaf otherwise they get shredded under the beams.

I do actually, still have about a half gallon left. So you think it's worth being preemptive with the CalMag? Start adding it to the plain waterings?
I do actually, still have about a half gallon left. So you think it's worth being preemptive with the CalMag? Start adding it to the plain waterings?

I'm using nft so the dose is double that of soil already, I'd not want to screw things up for you by saying yes as I don't use soil!

However I'n positive they need a surprising amount of calmag under led in any medium so it would be worth checking with one of the soil experts who has already made the switch and see when they add it.

To be honest it's second nature to me now to add calmag even when it's just "plain" ph'd water I'm adding for the girls to drink.

Another thing I find helps is moving the panel/panels an inch or so (left/right as opposed to up or down) once or twice a day depending how often you check them, just enough so the different colours from the multiple led bulbs don't concentrate on one place too long. I don't mean the individual bulbs burning small holes of course but without diffusers like the HS1 series the mix of light from the type of panels we use that reaches the leaves can be not as "mixed" as it could be if that makes sense?
3-30-14 Seeds put in paper towels
4-2-14 Seeds germinated and put into soil
4-3-14 Seeds starting to poke through soil! Pictures of those babies coming soon!

Here are the Sour Bubblin Crack!

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And the Cheesus Dragon!

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And here is what I think Tina probably looks like. Kind of a.... Xena... Warrior Princess thing going on there... anyways. Pretty sure I'm close. I think I had started working on what kind of light schedule I wanted for the grow and then got side tracked. Be glad this didn't turn into a flip book. Ohhhh the flip books. :hump:

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Below here is a Fruity OG Kush tester bean that never auto'd, so I grew it out as a photo. I have a stack of the buds in front of me fresh off the vine and they smell like... if you had opened the seal off a fresh bottle of Vitamin C pills and inhaled deeply. Pretty tasty stuff!

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And below here is some Moby Dick. Whether you care for the smoke, taste, or appearance, I assure you... There is nothing more satisfying than shouting in declaration "who is ready for some Dick?" Maybe the Dick's not right for you, but you'll never know if you like Dick until you try some Dick. Seriously. :hump:

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You asked for it soh :rofl:

Last edited:
4/5/2015 - Day 4 in Soil

Temps are about 82 degrees Fahrenheit. I have all 7 plants poked above soil!

Mephisto Genetics Sour Bubblin' Crack (4 of 4:)

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Terrestrial Bean Company Cheesus Dragons (3 of 4, one didn't germ.) EDIT* Actually, I just checked the paper towel the 4th one that didn't germ; there's a big fat white tap root staring back at me. I'm prepping a pot for her, should know in a day or two if she'll break soil and join the party! So that would make 4 out of 4 Dragons! 100% germ on the genetics fellas! That's awesome dudes!

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I have a feeling this one below here is going to be stunted. She has a weird twist going on with her stem and it doesn't feel like the tap root is taking hold much. We'll see though; these babies are pretty resilient!

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SoH, were you making fun of me when I am not here, Huh? Can I defence myself to be a more beautiful women there? :pighug:
Anyway, really nice to see the seeds poked above soil! Very excited to see how will they perform next. :Aloha:
The start of good things SOH. Make sure you have cal mag ready I start at day 15
Picture update coming tonight; all 8 plants in seedling now!

Seemed like I had some spare space in the tent; so there might be a few other beans making an appearance in there soon! :d5:

I was so impressed with the fabric pots that I decided to order a bunch more! I've got 25 of the 1-gallon pots coming, 10 more of the 3-gallon, 5 of the 5-gallons and I got the sample pack, which is a 1/2-gal, 1-gal, 2-gal, and another 3-gal! Fabric pot fever!

Going to have to get another bag of rice hulls!

Also ordered up a Clone King 36 site cloner for some of my photo cloning needs (I'm AWFUL at cloning, might as well feed the clones gasoline while I'm at it!)

On top of that, I have a cheap like $7 pair of polarized sunglasses coming for the grow tent. Hoping they will work out; that light is so incredibly blinding. It's nothing like a 1000W HPS; it's far brighter and far more damaging on the eyeballs. A couple minutes in there, even with just the Veg spectrum on and you're going to see a green tint in your vision for like 15+ minutes afterwards. It's pretty trippy but I have to imagine that's causing some damage lol...

Anyways, will be back this evening with an update and pictures, been letting the pots dry out a bit the last two days so tonight should be giving a bit of plain water. May drop in a few drops of the ol' Superthrive, will document what goes in!

Thanks for the read!
Hey SOH! You'll love using a cloner! I use mine DIY cloner for all my cloning now. Some strains are hard to clone, but I've found even some stubborn ones will usually root eventually. I've got a couple clones right now going on three weeks in the cloner, but I'm just now seeing tiny roots! I’ve had about a 98% success rate with this.