4/10/15 Day 9 in Soil, been above soil for about 5 days. Been having a low humidity problem; I have this MASSIVE humidifier in there that I've been suspecting not working for awhile now and I think I'm right. I've got a few other smaller ones that may work in the mean time but it's been a bummer. The seedlings are coming along though, no weird twisting or gnarling or strange reactions to the light as of yet!
Here are the 4 fem Sour Bubblin' Crack:
And the four reg Cheesus Dragons:
Additions to the tent! We'll see if they pop, then they shall be named!
I really have been enjoying this light so far if for nothing other than the fact that it runs so cool compared to the 1000W HPS. I love the toggle switches on it; if I had to shut down the 1000W HPS, it was lights out and it had to COOL down. I have pictures somewhere of a 1000W HPS burn on my arm. It touched it for a fraction of a second, like the most minute amount of time fathomable and it was an instant imprint of stamped metal. I STILL have the burn scar haha! Chicks dig scars, right? Alright alright
The light cools down almost INSTANTLY when it's turned off. I'm never worried about burning myself on it.
By using these magnets I have now upgraded the 1600W LED to run on diesel; both your winter blends and summer blends. :Gary:
Here are my pair of Besgoods clip-on polarized sunglasses I bought on Amazon for $8.50. They work spectacularly well, provided I actually WEAR them. I've had them for a few days now. They work great. If you WEAR them. Kinda... have to emphasize the whole "wearing of the sunglasses to have any benefit." I'm trying to find a way to keep them more handy for when I go into the tent; they are an absolute must though. I cannot stress the green tint that the 1600W light will flood your vision with if you are working around it for even a minute unshielded. I have no idea what that's doing to your eyes, but it literally shades everything in your vision green for several minutes and that just can't possibly be good

So, here's trying to save some eyeballs! :Cheers:
I thought this was pretty neat. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that is looking at picture of the appearing trout and thinking to themselves "that could have or should have been a naked lady." Right? Echo? Echo? Doctor? Doctor? Nanu nanu? We'll go with that I'm right.
Here is my new cloner, a 36 site Clone King. I'm awful at cloning. Terrible. Terr-ih-bull. El-terr-ee-blay. I'm hoping this will help increase my success rate. I'm told by many that it's a sound investment; I considered a DIY project but sometimes it's just nice to take something out of the box and know that it SHOULD work as advertised and that it has a warranty.
Here are the rest of the fabric pots I ordered. They were out of some of the 3 gallon pots (I think these guys were high, I counted the bags they sent and I'm pretty sure I got SEVERAL bags for free,) and they sent me these 3 gallon pots with handles with a note that said "we ran out of the other ones without handles, so you can have these." So I thought that was pretty sweet; although I counted the 3 gallon pots and I'm pretty sure they filled my order as-is haha! Not complaining!
The ones on the right in the picture below are the 5 gallon fabric pots.
Here are the 1 gallon pots below!
And an itty-bitty 1/2 gallon!
And in other random picture news; been harvesting on some other plants.
Fillin' her up and been trimming away!