Mainly prescription drug overdoses too. Bummer.
Apparently as Americans age and carry extra pounds they ask for opiates to cope with with joint problems, back pain.... I wonder if the famously well fed Australians have similar overdose problems.
Chronic pain sucks.
Before I started vaping daily I had minor pain everyday. I woke up with pain. Old sports injuries and stuff.
Got an MRI and talked with a couple of docs who wanted to load me up with government approved chemicals to rot my liver, you know.. forever.
Fork 'em. Fork 'em with a giant fork.
Since vaping daily my back pain is completely gone. 100% cure, full remission. I blame it on Mephisto.
Best guess is the anti-inflammatory stuff in weed broke the cycle of chronic inflammation/pain and let things heal.
Since vaping daily, no back muscle spasms or pinched nerves, fewer and milder headaches, fantastic!
Other old injuries are better, less annoying.
I feel younger, stronger, more choices. How do you put a price on that?
@JohnnyShake, I was rambling. What is the latest news on your silicon comparison?
Rhinoskin vs Aptus Fasililator, battle of the century! Rumble in the Grow room.