Grow Room Smorf's Micro #4: Mephisto northern cheese haze

And here we go again with another nch in a half gallon pot in the micro box:smoking:
Seems like it has been longer than it really has been since i harvested the first one.
I planted this one in the same half gallon pot that a male mumbling dragon grew in for around 30 days so im kind of reusing soil for the first time too. Should be interesting.
I will document it in this thread again but not as frequently as before.
This one is also going to get some male mumbling dragon pollen i think.
After looking at the pics of my last nch in this thread im even more glad i decided to pop another.:pass:nch has a very nice bud to leaf ratio, especially compared to the super leafy mumbling dragon. So it should be interesting to grow out some f1s of the cross if all goes well.
I would like to have a low odor cross that i could always have going in the micro box. So maybe something like nch crossed with another nch or blue mystic or dark devil or shortstuff [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] in the future. Mumbling dragon is too stinky. That strain belongs in the tent with a proper carbon filter.
Day one

Edit: this one sprouted, was sort of shrivled up, had a hard time shedding the seed casing and didnt grow much in the first five days so i got another one wet.
If the next one does the same i will know it probably has to do with reusing the soil or something.
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