Grow Room Smorf's Micro #4: Mephisto northern cheese haze

From what I've read, dark periods don't matter, but then again, I have zero direct experience.
Im on that side of it too because i was thinking how can it really matter when outdoor plants dont get a long dark period before harvest and outdoor is usually supposed to be better quailty i think. I would love to try testing and doing comparisons of things like this if i had a tent setup
have a funny feeling tests have been done pop22 ? and it didnt make a difference either way.but if you been doing it for years,chances are you gonna keep on doing harm one way or tother.
you set for a crcking harvest anyways :thumbsup:
keep er lit.

Seems shes slowed down on the drinking a bit more. And minor foxtailing which is noted on the mephisto website i think, which explains the continuing of white pistils popping up?
What does everything think about dark periods before harvest? Is it crucial/worth it? Seems like it wouldnt apply to outdoor harvests.

I did it with one of my last crop, kept it outside the tent in the dark for 2.5 days. Couldn't tell any difference whatsoever! You'd need to do it with clones to measure it accurately.
I don't have anything but anecdotal inputs for indoors,. and nothing consistent! ...but for a fact, in outdoors, the best time to harvest for max terpenes is early morning, (other flower iol extractors do this too, like for lavender),... Sun, wind, heat, UV, all take their toll on terpenes, and it's at night that they replenish,... some extra, carefully regulated (air flow, low RH%) time in darkness may boost terp' content a bit more,... duar does nothing for cannabinoid content that I heard of,.. but considering how terp's affect the nature of the buzz, bud that's packed with them will hit all the harder, making it seem like it's more THC potent, when it may not be,... (note that UVB does elevate THC content some),.... Indoors, you plants isn't typically as heavily impacted as OD plants, and there's plenty of yay-nay on this dark period for ID plants,... same applies though, early lights on she could be most loaded with terp's,...:eyebrows: use your nose and see,...
This makes sense because i think i notice the most odor when lights first come on. So i will give it a try by harvesting early in the light cycle. Harvest update with pics coming soon my friends.:smoking:
@Sensi Jay for sure i would love to test this out in a tent with some clones one day.
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Day 65
Mostly cloudy trichomes, few amber.
She probably could have went a little longer but im ready for some @mephisto goodness:smoking:
60g wet
So this will be under 20g which is my lowest yeild (my first 3 grows were 20-25 dry)but i did have ph issues in early flower. I know this strain is a decent yeilder so i cant blame it.
Cant wait to try it:pass:

Up next. Sorry for bad lighting.
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60g wet is now 17g after three days of drying. In the jar now but still need to burp.
The main cola was 5g after three days of drying.
So far this stuff is tastier than everything else i grew (nirvana auto nl, nirvana auto blue mystic, short stuff [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG])
I get something like lemon/citrus/cheese taste in my vape. Should get better with a cure so im already impressed.

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