I don't have anything but anecdotal inputs for indoors,. and nothing consistent! ...but for a fact, in outdoors, the best time to harvest for max terpenes is early morning, (other flower iol extractors do this too, like for lavender),... Sun, wind, heat, UV, all take their toll on terpenes, and it's at night that they replenish,... some extra, carefully regulated (air flow, low RH%) time in darkness may boost terp' content a bit more,... duar does nothing for cannabinoid content that I heard of,.. but considering how terp's affect the nature of the buzz, bud that's packed with them will hit all the harder, making it seem like it's more THC potent, when it may not be,... (note that UVB does elevate THC content some),.... Indoors, you plants isn't typically as heavily impacted as OD plants, and there's plenty of yay-nay on this dark period for ID plants,... same applies though, early lights on she could be most loaded with terp's,...
use your nose and see,...