I have some of the gbd/mephisto super soil to try sometime too, maybe next run with the same strain.You are right on the tap water. I mix mine 50/50, city tap water. Make sure you bubble the water.
There are a lot of organic growers here and different supersoils available too.

I know kindsoil is great and minor issues like this seem to be rare from what I've seen here on afn, so i wont give up on kindsoil.
Might be as simple as my soil ph is off from just using distilled water. Will be finding out soon.

KS says water PH should be 6.5-6.8
Google says distilled water has a ph of 7.0 and also says "Temperature affects pH, as temperature increases, pH decreases."
Found something else that says distilled water ph can get as low as 5.5 also.
Will find out what the ph of my distilled water is tomorrow.
Not sure if im allowed to post links like this but dudegrows.com has a page that shows citys that use chloramine and ones that don't.
According to this my city does not use chloramine. The list is last updated in 2012 it says, so should probably double check it.
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