Grow Room Smorf's micro #1

How would bottled spring water compare? @Waira
I guess it would depend on the ph of the specific spring water?

@Rebel im curious what you think about my issues im having with the leaves, i see you are helping dudeski with some issues in his kindsoil grow.
Just trying to get a few different points of view on this.

Wouldnt be where i am today without everyone here at AFN.:bighug:
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Could be transition to the soil by the roots. Dont let the soil dry too much either, it can get caustic. More light waterings may be better. Waira is more knowledge than i am but im using the soil. Having leaf issues too!
Maybe i should do 5oz water every 2 days instead of 6-7oz every 3-4days?
She did seem to be doing very well the way i was watering.
I document everytime i water in this thread if anyone wants to know when and how much i have been watering
What day are you on now? Spring water is different from distilled
What day are you on now? Spring water is different from distilled
Today is day 23.
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You are in a small bag right? It shouldn't need as much water as mine in a 3 gallon bag. Try not to let it get too dry. I'm stumped this grow of mine too
You are in a small bag right? It shouldn't need as much water as mine in a 3 gallon bag. Try not to let it get too dry. I'm stumped this grow of mine too
Yep, a half gallon fabric pot.

Im thinking with 84F and 30%rh during lights on and 18/6 light cycle i should be able to water 5oz every 2-3days.
Maybe just 3.5-4oz every 2 days. with 84f and 30% rh i feel like my fabric pot is able to dry out pretty fast.

The Control wizard Ph/moisture meter i ordered should be here in a few days, it should help me get dialed in better i hope.
Sounds good. They will drink more as they get bigger. The meter will help with the moisture level. Great job!
Day 24


Will be giving 5oz distilled water in a few hours. no recharge.
I decided to do recharge every other watering.

I should be able to check my ph tomorrow if the Control wizard Ph/moisture meter i ordered arrives on time.

If my soil ph is good and im still getting yellowing lower leaves then i will top dress with a small amount of kind soil and/or start using optic foliar overgrow.
Although i really just wanted to keep it simple, which was the point of using kindsoil.

I've heard if going all organic you shouldn't need to ph and the soil microbes should work everything out. Not sure if that's true.

Maybe i just need to switch to using 50/50 tap water/distilled water, which leads me to my next thought.

I will also check the ph of my tap water and try to find out if it has chrolamine in it, if i understand correctly i should not use it if my tap DOES CONTAIN chrolamine.

If it DOES NOT contain chrolamine and im understanding correctly i can let me tap water sit out for 24 hrs before using it and it should be fine as long as the ph is ok too.

Let me know what you think.
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You are right on the tap water. I mix mine 50/50, city tap water. Make sure you bubble the water.

There are a lot of organic growers here and different supersoils available too.