Day 7
Looking good to me.
Gave her about 3.5oz of water.
Will not water again until sunday night or monday morning. Or should i wait longer? I have been checking the top half inch to one inch of soil to make sure its dry. I need to get a feel for the weight of the container yet.
Here are some more pics and info on my box.
Some things are not pretty but it gets the job done..
I didnt take much time to do a proper photoshoot either lol..
All pictures are in a dark room with flash on.
Most pictures are sideways... I dont know how to fix this.

Any comments or advice are welcome.
I do what i can to improve within reason.
This is a top view looking down on the back side of the box.
I have 2 pc fans/exhaust blowing into my diy carbon filter.
I know its better to have the exhaust pulling through the filter but this is the way i have to do it with my setup because the way its setup, the filter would block the light if it were inside.
In the bottom is the intake/2 pc fans weaker than the exhaust blowing into the box.
This is what you see when you take the cover off the front of the box.
I cut out panda film and added a zipper in the middle to make it lightproof with the cover on because the cover is not a perfect seal.
And when you unzip it. About 20in from soil to light.
I super glued magnets to the top of the box to hang the light.
The white ductape over the magnets is so if the superglue starts to fail i can see the tape starting to sag.
This is a picture of the exhaust below the light.
Looking down from the light.
The intake/2pc fans and 3 pc fans for circulation.
Also i cut out some panda film and made a tray for easy clean up of dirt etc.
Let me know if there any questions, i may have missed something.
Also comments and advice much appreciated.
Sorry again for the sideways pictures.