Grow Room Smorf's micro #1

Great post so far. I'm going to need your advice when I get going Smorf. Hopefully in a week or 2.

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Welcome to AFN @SpaghettiSauce

When you get a thread going tag me in it and i will be glad to offer my opinion and advice as will many other great folks here at AFN.

Looking foward to seeing what you have planned.:welcome:
Welcome to AFN @SpaghettiSauce

When you get a thread going tag me in it and i will be glad to offer my opinion and advice as will many other great folks here at AFN.

Looking foward to seeing what you have planned.:welcome:
Welcome to afn also and beautiful growing smorf.
Hey smorf. Your plan sounds good, she'll probably be thirsty when you come back but she should make it fine. Now, if you leave often I'd recommend investing in a Tropf-Blumat (about $20 for a pair on amazon). These are very good at keeping your soil at the desired level of moisture. I used them for a while with coco and they worked great. You don't need a full kit (they are quite expensive) just one or two blumats (depending on the size of the container) some aquarium tubing, a reservoir (a tote for example) of the desired size for the water and some hot glue and you're set.
Thanks @JDoe i will have to check that out.
I might not be looking for something like that now but when i can run a proper size tent instead of a micro grow i was going to look into autopots or something for sure.

Does anyone know if you can use recharge and mammoth p all the way to harvest?
Pretty sure the answer is yes but wanted to double check.:shrug:
Day 7
Looking good to me.
Gave her about 3.5oz of water.

Will not water again until sunday night or monday morning. Or should i wait longer? I have been checking the top half inch to one inch of soil to make sure its dry. I need to get a feel for the weight of the container yet.
View attachment 632410

Here are some more pics and info on my box.
Some things are not pretty but it gets the job done..
I didnt take much time to do a proper photoshoot either lol..
All pictures are in a dark room with flash on.
Most pictures are sideways... I dont know how to fix this.:face:
Any comments or advice are welcome.
I do what i can to improve within reason.

This is a top view looking down on the back side of the box.
I have 2 pc fans/exhaust blowing into my diy carbon filter.
I know its better to have the exhaust pulling through the filter but this is the way i have to do it with my setup because the way its setup, the filter would block the light if it were inside.

In the bottom is the intake/2 pc fans weaker than the exhaust blowing into the box.

View attachment 632404

This is what you see when you take the cover off the front of the box.
I cut out panda film and added a zipper in the middle to make it lightproof with the cover on because the cover is not a perfect seal.
View attachment 632405

And when you unzip it. About 20in from soil to light.
View attachment 632406

I super glued magnets to the top of the box to hang the light.
The white ductape over the magnets is so if the superglue starts to fail i can see the tape starting to sag.
View attachment 632407

This is a picture of the exhaust below the light.
View attachment 632408

Looking down from the light.
The intake/2pc fans and 3 pc fans for circulation.
Also i cut out some panda film and made a tray for easy clean up of dirt etc.
View attachment 632409

Let me know if there any questions, i may have missed something.
Also comments and advice much appreciated.
Sorry again for the sideways pictures.:deadhorse:

Whats up smorf, had that picture issue earlier. Try this, worked for me: open picture on your PC and turn it- then save it that way- after this you just turn it back how it should be and save again- upload.

Let me know if it worked.