Smokin' Screws Smokin' Screws - AFN Communal Summer 2018 Test Thread

mine was getting greasy every few days to the point I needed to clean her to work right.

I can see if they are bottomed out, they would clog faster, I'm 2-3 days. even though it stays open,it still cakes on the sides. I'm going to keep burning it to white ash, anything that oily needs to be smoked. with a torch.
.... yeah, as it cakes and bakes on, it's a little harder to clean,... I hear you on the metal tempering loss, but so far it's OK, still pretty much the same spring to it,... but the repeated blasting to red glow isn't a good thing long term maybe,.... guess we'll see! :paleo: I don't do that often though, only when lazy... I like to hold it upside down and pull the base back and let it snap onto the ashtray surface to knock bits loose during use, and/or just straight draw with flame to roast out stuck bits.... Cleaning, I'll heat it up a little, then dunk it in 91% alcohol and take a q-tip to it while immersed,.. this cleans it well and fast enough.... they are certainly using a high quality alloy!

I use a torch to smoke so its heated to glow regularly. I expected at least some warping or sag in the spring. None. I'm no metallurgist, I don't know how it would change it to dunk it in water from cherry red, probably screw up the temper, but cooling down normal seems to have no ill effect.. I'm sure there's a limit.
I said that. Probably because mine is suspended halfway down the bowl so when I put in a nug, the play in the bottom lets the spring stretch enough to keep breaking the crust.
Except for this Dark Devil. I'm smoking lately. The greasiest ash I've seen. I tried to get a picture of this almost black bud but my phone camera just won't get the colors true. I'll try with the Canon tomorrow.

How often would you say that you cleaned the other screens you have used? Or just changed them, tossing the old?
When I was using screens I'd burn through one every other day on average... At first I was using thin ones them I'd burn through the same day, then I got thicker ones, while they don't get holes as easy as the thin ones, because of the thickness they tend to clog up solid... then become brittle...:coffee::smokeout:
I use mine in my glass bubbelers, and bongs. Being new to glass I have been delighted with how easy it has been to clean. I use 91% isopropyl and salt to clean. Long story short the timing to clean the pipe correspond nicely with the screw needing cleaning. In between bowls a quick tug and a snap cleans it well enough. I did discover that it cleans easier if I use a toothpick to ream the smallest end before the alch soak. I keep the alcohol and salt mix in a little sealed plastic jar so I dump the bowl and screw into it and shake gently for a minute or two and viola' all clean!
Received my smoking screw today test run was a success. I will be ordering a 5 pack and putting away my glass screens. Simple yet a GREAT product keeps the fingers clean also no more cleaning little pieces of glass or sifting through ashtrays looking for them.
Maybe Rebel will make us a neat Screwed For Life badge.I know I am.

Still burning it clean,.I finally noticed it sag a bit at the beginning of the top coil. I let it cool and bent it back with no problem.
They need to update there website. I cannot order from Canada. I got a hold of them they said they would work on it.

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