Lighting Small UVB Experiment.

The blueberry2 under uvb is finally showing signs of heat stress. Almost a week after I raised the light. So the UVB only delayed the damage. But both plants never stopped producing although I'm sure it had its effect.

...lizard light... ...stronger healthier plant?

Or maybe just tastier, etc. :weed:

Egzoset's suggestion of "pulsing" the light is interesting.

Only if one fears his UV light level might risk to exceed a vegetal tissue's capacity to withstand exposure. With a bursting mode the pulses following damage detection would be cancelled and then time allowed for plant recovery.

Which reminds me of this topic next.

...about "Systemic Acquired Resistance" i read that it can be stimulated by ozone and/or UV exposure...

What do you know, UV exposure!... :biggrin:

So, UV-exposed plants do survive over-exposure and eventually recover, after all. Actually i gather this SAR thing could even render a plant stronger, though i could get a wrong impression. But how much is too much anyway?


...I'm sure it had its effect.

Feenix, have you been collecting macro snapshots often enough to acquire a perspective that felt satisfying in view of the whole effort? I'm not sure i got sufficient ability to decode differences though i was hoping that with time you'd be able to tell which patterns have emerged if any, since there is a difference it seems.

Are those recent experiments on UV light possibly compatible with SAR matters as mentioned?? I'm now even more curious!

I'll try to convey what I've gathered so far but it isn't much more than I expected after previous runs. Cloudier trichs earlier, Some larger. More mutations previously. The only real revelation so far has been the delay of light stress, but when she finally showed symptoms it was all at once. The new sugars are coming in clean across the board. If I had to draw a conclusion at this time it would be that any real advantage is short term and she gives it back in time.
Were I to repeat this test I would start the UVB from day one and try to mimic natures clock for a better overall picture. But my only real goal was regarding potency and that is still on. I'll probably chop #1 on monday and #2 2 days later so they have equal durations. They lost the resemblance of identical phenos right after flower started, with 2 now dwarfing 1 but the buds on 2 are a bit whispier while 1's are rock solid.

When the time comes, the testing will be held in the blind over 3 nights with three of my stoner friends helping out. They will think they are helping me decide which to get a quantity of. They will each smoke and then score each between 1 and 5. Then based on their results and my own sampling, I'll decide if there is enough difference to go further and test for the actual numbers.
Very interesting thread. i am very close to trying this.
So if i get the 10 to 15 wt. lizard light and put it on its own timer for like 8 to 10 hours a day, it sounds like I will get a stronger healthier plant?
Cant wait for the smoke report.

Joe, I'd suggest that you keep your set up portable so you can move it from zone to zone rather than static with a timer. Its wavelength is very short and you will only cover a small area with each session so moving it 4 times in 24 hours will give more coverage. You should be able to determine the zone size by the recommendations for reptile use on the box which tells the heights to keep it above the pet.
Thanx Feenix.
what if I use 4 small bulbs.
Not sure how long the pulses should be. but lets say each bulb 10 min. on 20 min. off. each bulb on its own timer
Maybe that way I wouldn't have to keep moving one bulb throughout the day?
Thanx Feenix.
what if I use 4 small bulbs.
Not sure how long the pulses should be. but lets say each bulb 10 min. on 20 min. off. each bulb on its own timer
Maybe that way I wouldn't have to keep moving one bulb throughout the day?

Joe, I don't have a clue about the pulsing. Egzoset came up with that and maybe he will go into detail. He touched on it earlier in this thread before he knew the very limited scope of this little test. He's really interested in UV and knows a hell of a lot more about it than me.
I had the time over the course of the day to do it regularly and hooks and clamps in the cab to put and aim it anywhere at any height so it wasn't a hassle for me. If I had to arrange a busy schedule around it, it for sure would have been different.

Were I to repeat this test I would start the UVB from day one and try to mimic natures clock for a better overall picture.

Somehow it almost feels warming, Feenix! In nature live manifestations often have a beat, a rythm, etc.; even time-compressed video captures of cannabic cultivation have shown with glamourous evidence how plants emerge in our physical 3D universe and that's quite some organic display, or systemic to say the least. Fascinating in any case!! So what i mean is that although i'd personally feel compelled to eliminate any light schedule other than 24-0 until harvest, it still leaves room for the pulses of life - only i'd advise to distribute those to avoid logger scrutiny...

So useful parameters might include ventilation, because nature breathes in its own way after all! Then certainly temperature and humidity, light spectrum/flux intensity, diet/pH and finally SAR agents such as "hard light" as i like to call it: those come and go just like the clouds above. They pulse and i've always felt that's how nature works, by seasons with intermitance, marginal events, etc.

M'well. Of course i'd figure a tiny bit of stability always seems desirable anyway! :weed:

That's what makes nature so precious, its sustained/continuous capability to support life. only real goal was regarding potency and that is still on.

Thank you Feenix, i think it should now be clear what this thread's focussed goal is on, mainly:

Potency vs UVB

I hope i concatenated/wrapped it all correctly...

...will each smoke and then score...


...moving it 4 times in 24 hours...

Seems like a stimulating premise!

Not sure how long the pulses should be. but lets say each bulb 10 min. on 20 min. off. each bulb on its own timer...

It sure has practical aspects to it i think. Except i'd insist over synchronized relay circuits to limit power excursions logged at the electric meter. For example:


Software control would make sense for massive experimentation i guess.

Or more simply have 1 pair of UV lamps per channel... Those electric contacts can take it.

Joe, I don't have a clue about the pulsing.

Oh c'mmon! It's just like the art of getting a sun tan without a sun burn, the difference is it's plants you put under the lamp. Human tissues can only sustain limited exposure in terms of time and strength, vegetal tissue must be similar, plants even have a basic circulatory system, etc... Go figure!


...maybe he will go into detail.

You bet! Short story, there are no details to begin with. I've joined my voice to ask some of my own questions actually.

How much is too much was one of those important questions, knowing this it might help in figuring out what's next, i figure!...


Still you're on your own, doesn't a captain on his boat have exclusive responsability! It's also true i don't have all the pieces to this puzzle, which is why i keep reading further i guess... To find out what's next.


He's really interested in UV and knows a hell of a lot more about it than me.

The 1st part sounds more acurate. Today i find UV light as a SAR agent feels particularily stimulating when it comes to "Integrated Pest Management".

Of course i realized this present dedicated thread doesn't cover a topic of this much scope.

Again, please rest assured as we read you loud and clear i believe:

Potency vs UVB


Good day Feenix, enjoy the ride!! :peace:
So useful parameters might include ventilation, because nature breathes in its own way after all! Then certainly temperature and humidity, light spectrum/flux intensity, diet/pH and finally SAR agents such as "hard light" as i like to call it: those come and go just like the clouds above. They pulse and i've always felt that's how nature works, by seasons with intermitance, marginal events, etc.

You are describing laboratory conditions well beyond my present or future capabilities. I hope somebody takes the time and spends the resources to reach definite conclusions. Someone will eventually. Maybe you?

Joe dirt, Constant or pulsed, 4 bulbs versus 1 means 4 times any bad elements that could effect your health. It is the uncertainty that has me retiring mine until I see something concrete one way or the other.

Frankly, when it became evident that once again I was dealing with 2 different phenos of drastically different characteristics, the end results became less important than what I have picked up from the exchanges in the thread. But the testing will go on as planned with the emphasis on buds from the same plant, exposed vs not exposed. Since the exposed plant BB#2 has made such a good recovery and is now packing on buds and developing nice amber I will let her go another week of cleansing..
Hi again Feenix,

I hope somebody takes the time and spends the resources to reach definite conclusions. Someone will eventually. Maybe you?

M'well, i dunno why on earth it would have to be me! Though i do suspect UV light might offer unexplored features i'd eventually appreciate if only i still happened to grow a couple plants on my window-sill(s)... The 2011 preliminary sessions left me some lasting impression that perhaps only males could actually enjoy my window-sills but i never reached that step, i 1st needed to establish other details and then The Borg arrived, preceeding another beast of its kind that cannot be defeated as easily: the logging meter!...

So if i ever start another session again it will be because i've accepted/resolved a few details still requiring to be sorted. At least i can say i miss the photographic dimension of this wonderful hobby at times...

...the testing will go on as planned with the emphasis on buds from the same plant, exposed vs not exposed. Since the exposed plant BB#2 has made such a good recovery and is now packing on buds and developing nice amber I will let her go another week of cleansing..

Nice menu, i can't wait to appreciate new side-by-side photographs, especially in light of the previous set. Evidently your assistance in interpreting visual hints will be necessary i believe!

So far i'd be curious about more UV applications, SAR ones to begin with. Then aromatherapy, photography, etc...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
"Nice menu, i can't wait to appreciate new side-by-side photographs, especially in light of the previous set. Evidently your assistance in interpreting visual hints will be necessary i believe!"

Egzocet, since I bought this scope I have been hoping to run across a pictorial naming the numerous types of trichomes that I have seen ranging from a glaze like initial coating on the leaves to the well known mushroom most associate with term trichome. Until I can describe the different types beyond, Look at this one that looks like a cats claw or dis one dats a puddle. I'll just let the pics speak for themselves and admit my lack of knowledge rather than try and fake it and prove my lack of knowledge. To get good steady shots I must cut sugar leaves and after cooking the poor girls I have been giving them a break. BB2 is just sloughing it off and making a nice comeback so I'll take a comparison from each side and get them up later tonight. I'm chopping BB1 so getting hers will be easier. When I first got the scope I went sugar leaf cutting crazy on a Blue Mystic and it showed in the yield when the final spurt showed in her sister and cousin but not her. Usually cropping brings growth but the end is a bad time to expect it.