Lighting Small UVB Experiment.

Hi again Feenix,

Don't be so...

Actually i've already moved on, i'm elsewhere! Especially from those things so alien from me that were evoked.

If UV bulbs burn in continuous mode then try pulsing it, which was my advice to the attention of future readers - not implying anything more than what was specifically written. The rest is interpretation which i didn't come here to debate since the more we write the less we undestand each other it seems. Politics, distortion in communications. Sorry for any eventual agravation and thanks again!

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
Hello, I had said I would do an unofficial test during this grow on two DP Auto Blueberry that are now ready. It is simply by isolating one plant and exposing part of it to a small 15w reptile bulb for 6 hours a day, while the other girl is not. If it helps potency, I should see it in two forms. From plant to plant, and from exposed buds to non exposed buds of the same plant.

I don't propose that this will answer the question of UVB benefits definitively but it can't hurt.

Feenix--excellent controlled test.

About a year ago, bought three of the reptilian CFL's must be around 15 to 25 watts. Only a portion is UVB the other if visible light likely blue (guessing--will check when wear my yellow lenses which blocks "blue" light like magic and purportedly help with sleep--they work well with LED too--inexpensive see Amazon less than 10 bucks).

Anyway, after reading Rosenthal's book this is what he said: In California many dispensaries reject late season ripened medical grade canna--per strength and assume over all low quality. This is due to lack of UVB as a ripening agent of sorts. They opt for indoor grown which does have a bit of UVB--but not much. Artificial light intensity likely makes up for it.

He shows how, outside, one can sow early in spring then cover plants for dark period and open up early Summer for high point of UVB.
exposure. The plants get the 12 hours of darkness by tarp cover and then are exposed to high UVB during flowering.

The above cannabis is sough out by dispensaries as being super. Supposed primo bud!

There was a study done by a grad student and published showing dramatic effects with UVB exposure.

This study and Rosenthal's take is online and in his book.

Indoors--Rosenthal recommends 10% UBV bulbs per 100 watts so 100 watts per 1000 watt grow lamps (I will double check--and it is correct)/regular light. Using reptile bulbs or suntanning lamps. So a 300 watt LED one would use--30 watts of UVB supplementation light.

I have used then haphazardly. Sometimes to help a plant that looks like it is stalled and others nearing early mid-ripening.

However, I have not taken time to compare, so, your study will be excellent.


Only 10% of UVB lamps product the UBV, like mentioned above, the rest is visible light. Still it is the UBV bulb output that counts towards the supplementation--not the 10% thereof.

I like your approach to testing phenos and a branch for comparison.

Supposedly the plant increases it production of UVB blocking chems which are the trichs. Suntan lotion for the flower/leaves. I have not had any burn with some bulbs right on top of buds. They do need to be fairly close guessing six inches to just a few if honing in on one bud/limb.


My plants are multi-strained and multi pheno on a couple. A few coming up for harvest next week had the UBV for three to four weeks each. Other plants may have picked up a bit with reflectors. Interestingly most of my plants are heavy trich inside and on bud surface--not much shooting out to fan leaves. Looking with loup can see leaves are coated in areas without capitate trichs.

Right now, three reflectors are point at one Herajuna J33. Supposedly a quick ripener. Not this one, it is two weeks away from others, but rapidly catching up. Have also reduced lighting to 14--off/10--on to hasten ripening (Rosenthal once again). Photos do their busy flowering during dark period. Release energy and the chemical processing takes place. That is why a dark period with photos is so important--when the plants quietly do their flowering and ripening. Autos--prefer light and not so much darkness for they have their flowering hormone "on" 24/7 regardless of light schedule. My recent 12/12 resulted in smaller plant and airy buds.

The timing is just right on this plant for it has about two weeks to ripen and is quickly drying out its pistils. Little trichs outside of the flowers. Appears to be Indica in structure with buds like sativa with most trichs internal to the buds. What a great unusual aroma when pinched--like a kitchen full of spice. One of the most complex aromas I have sampled--like an expensive bottle of perfume.

I will keep you posted on this plant. Remind me in a few weeks--if I forget.


One of our senior members (DUBV) discussed such sometime back and was not concerned with length of time using UVB during daily session. Like you I am thinking 6 hours to mimic nature (I assume high mark in sun UVB is about that amount of time).

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Feenix--excellent controlled test.

About a year ago, bought three of the reptilian CFL's must be around 15 to 25 watts. Only a portion is UVB the other if visible light likely blue (guessing--will check when wear my yellow lenses which blocks "blue" light like magic and purportedly help with sleep--they work well with LED too--inexpensive see Amazon less than 10 bucks).

I love those Blue Blockers, the real ones are great. Folks who never tried them have never seen real greens.
Anyway, after reading Rosenthal's book this is what he said: In California many dispensaries reject late season ripened medical grade canna--per strength and assume over all low quality. This is due to lack of UVB as a ripening agent of sorts. They opt for indoor grown which does have a bit of UVB--but not much. Artificial light intensity likely makes up for it.

He shows how, outside, one can sow early in spring then cover plants for dark period and open up early Summer for high point of UVB.
exposure. The plants get the 12 hours of darkness by tarp cover and then are exposed to high UVB during flowering.

The above cannabis is sough out by dispensaries as being super. Supposed primo bud!

There was a study done by a grad student and published showing dramatic effects with UVB exposure.

This study and Rosenthal's take is online and in his book.

Indoors--Rosenthal recommends 10% UBV bulbs per 100 watts so 100 watts per 1000 watt grow lamps (I will double check--and it is correct)/regular light. Using reptile bulbs or suntanning lamps. So a 300 watt LED one would use--30 watts of UVB supplementation light.

I have used then haphazardly. Sometimes to help a plant that looks like it is stalled and others nearing early mid-ripening.

However, I have not taken time to compare, so, your study will be excellent."

Great info GC. I have always figured there was benefit, even if its as an antagonist. Not being an electrical engineer, i know nothing of how they build the bulbs and how much they actually mimic nature. The AVB has such a short effective range that you are right, about 6". It is the other components that fuel my health concerns. And there is no way that I know of for a layman to check.

"Only 10% of UVB lamps product the UBV, like mentioned above, the rest is visible light. Still it is the UBV bulb output that counts towards the supplementation--not the 10% thereof.

I like your approach to testing phenos and a branch for comparison.

Supposedly the plant increases it production of UVB blocking chems which are the trichs. Suntan lotion for the flower/leaves. I have not had any burn with some bulbs right on top of buds. They do need to be fairly close guessing six inches to just a few if honing in on one bud/limb."

The only burns I've seen with this bulb is from actual contact, to place where I wanted it just couldn't be avoided


My plants are multi-strained and multi pheno on a couple. A few coming up for harvest next week had the UBV for three to four weeks each. Other plants may have picked up a bit with reflectors. Interestingly most of my plants are heavy trich inside and on bud surface--not much shooting out to fan leaves. Looking with loup can see leaves are coated in areas without capitate trichs.
My last Blue Mystic was that way, no frost but inner buds were loaded. I suppose that has a lot to do with the neutral odor

Right now, three reflectors are point at one Herajuna J33. Supposedly a quick ripener. Not this one, it is two weeks away from others, but rapidly catching up. Have also reduced lighting to 14--off/10--on to hasten ripening (Rosenthal once again). Photos do their busy flowering during dark period. Release energy and the chemical processing takes place. That is why a dark period with photos is so important--when the plants quietly do their flowering and ripening. Autos--prefer light and not so much darkness for they have their flowering hormone "on" 24/7 regardless of light schedule. My recent 12/12 resulted in smaller plant and airy buds.

Some strains just put out light airy buds too, with nothing wrong. That's why I never get upset over unexpected pheno differences, the surprize factor. its's like cracker jacks with better prizes. Some better than others but all are good.

The timing is just right on this plant for it has about two weeks to ripen and is quickly drying out its pistils. Little trichs outside of the flowers. Appears to be Indica in structure with buds like sativa with most trichs internal to the buds. What a great unusual aroma when pinched--like a kitchen full of spice. One of the most complex aromas I have sampled--like an expensive bottle of perfume.
I will keep you posted on this plant. Remind me in a few weeks--if I forget.

Great, got any pictures up?

One of our senior members (DUBV) discussed such sometime back and was not concerned with length of time using UVB during daily session. Like you I am thinking 6 hours to mimic nature (I assume high mark in sun UVB is about that amount of time).
That is reasonable to believe toward a fall harvest.

I'll be looking for your harvest
If you are interested I have a uvb experiment we can conduct, but we need to use clones. I propose I grow a mother critical kush photo get it to veg, take four clones and grow two clones in each of two tents. Both tents will have a mars hydro 192 x 3w led. All plants will be in modified dwc hydro units. I will mix the nutes in a 30 gallon container to ensure all plants get the same types and amounts of nutes. I will use r/o water. The variable: one tent will be augmented with 4 24 watt arcadia 12% uvb bulbs and the other tent will have 2 55 watt power compact bulbs with 3000k bulbs. We send off a sample of each plant to an independent lab for analysis of thc content. I got the equipment except for another mars hydro led light, but I was planning on getting one in a month or so. I could start a critical kush on my next grow for a mother plant.
That will have a better picture than my simple one to one comparison test. Best part is ending up with a mother critical kush.
I'll sub to it but, don't expect a lot of brilliant participation on my part. My science background is nil.
But as you read in the other posts here, there are some pretty sharp minds available. Egzoset and GCase have a handle on it and and I'm sure there are others. Perhaps one or more of the bulbs could be pulsed to compare with static as Egzocet mentioned. He can tell you how that's done.
it may not quite answer questions but it will give a better answer than all the subjective replies that have been offered on this topic. And even the one scientific study done was inconclusive so even the "experts" But I'm looking forward to seeing your results!

Hello, I had said I would do an unofficial test during this grow on two DP Auto Blueberry that are now ready. It is simply by isolating one plant and exposing part of it to a small 15w reptile bulb for 6 hours a day, while the other girl is not. If it helps potency, I should see it in two forms. From plant to plant, and from exposed buds to non exposed buds of the same plant.
If I determine there is a difference , I will arrange for actual testing of the samples to get the numbers.

I don't propose that this will answer the question of UVB benefits definitively but it can't hurt.
I forgot to mention that regardless of the results of this test, I'm retiring this bulb and getting off UV until I know more about the health issues.I know it has benefits and a down side. I'm not worried about UVB with a 12 inch effective wavelength but I don't know what comes along with it.

Now that’s a smart move and I've been telling people that even any small increase in potency is not worth the risks of using UV lights. Just one mistake and kiss your eyesight goodbye, etc. anybody wanting better weed should spend the money on better gnetics not UV lights!
Now that’s a smart move and I've been telling people that even any small increase in potency is not worth the risks of using UV lights. Just one mistake and kiss your eyesight goodbye, etc. anybody wanting better weed should spend the money on better gnetics not UV lights!

This is why I rate Bud Factor X bro, there is no doubt in my mind it improves strength massively and is totally safe although a little pricy.
What if a failsafe was integrated into the light's power supply say a magnetic coupling that attaches to both sides of the tent door for example? If the effects of uvb increase potency by 10% to 25%, then it may be worth looking into, although if it is just for a greater high affect and no medicinal value is added, I would have to agree the risks are to great for the average grower.