Lighting Small UVB Experiment.

Do you use sunglasses in the tent? UVB can cause trouble to vision.

Yes I do as well as a visored hat. I use a cabinet instead of a tent. It is a bit less conspicuous. An unfortunate necessity in my area. I would have even without the UVB. The first time I turned on my new LED I thought the green lantern was around. I didn't look into the light or even bend below its level but just the scatter gave me the green vision. A phenomenon that I had never heard of in spite of all that I read about leds prior to buying.
Warm salutations Feenix,

Good to read about your experiment, Feenix!

Personally i'm stuck in the lurker corner. Anyway politicians come and go, it's not unlike lotery i think. On another hand, i expect extra fees on cannabis related indoor gardening may be a possible scenario and this would limit access to self-grown herbs anyway. So, in a world of monopolies little hope is left! Even in a legalisation context i'll bet electric bills will explode eventually...


One feature i like with these new forum systems is the title reflects in our browser, i'll confess that comes handy in trying to stay focussed on any topic. ... Ah, yes. The UVB radiations... Maybe it's a barrier language but reading back i still don't feel confident that i've actually understood which conclusions were finally reached after this experiment. Which is why i wish to ask.

Relatively to this UVB lamp, was it nocive or not? :shrug:

If it's as serious as i felt it was in reality then some bold red characters would be in order!! I believe nobody would mind for such an exception. If not red then try fushia, magenta...

...a necessary sacrifice. ... The whole aim of the exercise is to stress the plant into the defensive mode found in nature when exposed to strong UVB.

I liked the video. :biggrin:

So there is a risk of "burning" vegetal tissue using a UVB lamp for reptiles. If so i wouldn't be surprized, that reminds me of ways to manipulate hot HA aluminium crucibles and avoid burns. Of course it is necessary to be careful and dissipate as much heat as possible, though once it's barely sufficiently cooled off to be held rapid changes of contact points dissipate the heat and cause no burns, because heat doesn't transfer instantly and hence temperature won't rise instantly neither. I sense a delay and within that period temperature doesn't get time to reach a burning point, much as if one is handling still-hot eggs, for example - that's how i imagine it anyway. So, i figure the plant's leaves perhaps can take only a given amount of UVB radiations per unit of time. Hence the suggestion of proceeding with packets - which i'm now addressing more to the attention of future readers, if i understood the following statement correctly:

I'm retiring this bulb and getting off UV until I know more about the health issues. I know it has benefits and a down side.

For your eyes there can be serious health issues, i know that much. So you're not using UVB again. Right?

Do you intend to write a brief review to concatenante the leading conclusions?

...just the scatter gave me the { green vision } . A phenomenon that I had never heard of in spite of all that I read about leds prior to buying.

{ I hope you don't mind creative quote remodeling... }

Considering the relative difficulty to find proper information using Google there will be more incidents i'm afraid, unless public security comes 1st, some day in a distant future, etc. Meanwhile i found this link below, i think it explains the situation adequately, for everyone's benefit, almost:

Ain't there any warning labels on such risky horticultural lamps? That's a permanent condition, no??

It seems the readers need to be extra carefull, dig up if you must in any case!!

Good luck with that, i wish you well. :peace:
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EGzoset, this just started two days ago and will finish with the harvest of the two in about 30 days give or take as long as it takes.. Then another month for drying and cure. Then the results will be in.

The limited space made the burned leaf necessary, I figured an inch and the burn was about a half inch.
it is a tight fit.

Any bulb is dangerous jn one way or another.. I was presented with enough evidence from a reliable source to decide to let experts figure it out.

I don't have a science background. so the results will be either, yes plant 2 is more potent than plant 1 and the buds on the left side are stronger than the right, or they are not. If they are stronger and I can arrange a testing facility to accept the samples for analysis, and I can get them there safely, risk free on both ends of their journey, we will have definite potency data. If not then I have satisfied myself and my results will be out there for folks to accept or not as they see fit. I don't expect a Nobel. And I don't expect this to settle the UVB debate. I'm pulling for the old Hippy. He took the time to explain it in such detail that I would like to prove him right.

I insisted on an unmarked box but it wasn't necessary as the only print except "fragile" and delivery data was in Mandarin or Cantonese I guess.. I don't read either of them.

The best I hope for is that all the smoke is great.
Hi again Feenix,

...30 days... Then... Then...

Yes. It's particular to this occupation, a hobby for me while i still had one. As i recall a Joint Doctor Purple Ryder #2 only requires 9 ~ 10 weeks, under 24/0 schedule i suppose. That's it?!... :woohoo1:Too bad it won't happen soon.

Anyway, in the begining i was real busy taking photo shots, actually the plants kept me active along the seasons...


I didn't want the process of discovery to stop, essentially. There was so much left untold, etc.

Any bulb is dangerous...

Sounds fair but that's not the question i got in mind, which is to determine what's the safe way to use similar UV lamps - and by the way, did i mention that i've once read something, sometime, somewhere which explained a phenomenon observed in some specific insect colonies: they feared UV-A expecting UV-B to come next, m'well that's essentially what i retained from the article.

Are UV-A lamps having any similar influence on plants? This could be one valid question in itself. Etc.

By chance this community is vast and ressourceful, i'm sure the challenge has potential to attract more enthousiasts.

Just don't burn anything. At least to me it's a hobby and i knew it's time to slow down when the dream turns into a nightmare.

...I have satisfied myself and my results will be out there...

That's the best part and it belongs to you. Who would contest your observations and not attempt to replicated the experiment themselves, it would fail credibility to say the least!


...I don't expect this to settle the UVB debate.

Evidently coverage of the subject only begins, that's not the end i hope.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
It is for me. As I said, after this run I'm off the UVB. I wanted to do this test for a while but every pair I grew were different phenos. No use trying to compare apples and oranges. But I figured DP would come through and it has. Frankly, with all the great gear out there, who needs it. It's like dial a meal out there. pick your potency. When the video was made they didn't have near the variety. You heard him, they were growing bag seed. Any edge helped.
Salutations Feenix,

It is for me.

Naturally. And you wouldn't be well advised to try again until lessons emerge from your errors, if applicable.


It seems there was an error, effectively, and i've commented what a probable cure might be previously. You didn't echo that, i don't wish to insist neither. Yet the reader, those who will come after us in the sequence of this present discussion, these guys will think UVB kills plants while i don't think that's the correct assumption here, neither should you think it is!

The video's demonstration felt quite pristine in simplicity: the highest levels of UV light corresponded to equally elevated levels of THC spread locally near the Pacific coast of Mexico and around China, then many smaller spots distributed along the same latitude on this picture:

YouTube {lfiI78uN3Ks} UV Index (2005-Jun-1) .JPG

To me that's the leading principle the reader should keep focussing on: those WHITE spots! They do display globally, on a planetary scale, after all...

Briefly put, one experiment turned badly doen't dismiss the whole thing. It's not a package deal, or maybe yes, there can be trade offs to be made i suppose.


Alternately, i hope you won't mind if i enquire an update on your state of health, relatively to "green vision" symptoms?

That was a serious matter to raise!

...but every pair I grew were different...

In my mind there's no need to search any further, we've got 1 of the answers already: WARNING! It may burn living tissues and this may include one's own eyes!!

Do you agree on this formulation Feenix??

Frankly, with all the great gear out there, who needs it.

LED panels will need to include UV light, presumably UVB since that is what the video was all about, right?... Anyway i don't like LEDs much unless there are very few conductors overall. The intense light required would imply the necessity to evacuate heat efficiently, via water cooling for example. After all that's already what some fancy computers use, i can easily imagine water-cooled aluminium structures. Starting from there it may become possible to recycle that heat generated in LED panels, etc. In any case, whatever the specifications when it becomes commercially available, somebody will have to figure out what UV profile to favour over others when growing cannabis flowers. This quest may expose plants to burn incidents by over-exposure, you've been warned, etc. Now does that sound correct?

Honestly i wouldn't want this much myself, actually my dream-come-true was to grow a couple ladies on my window-sill and this made me happy for awhile. Photography was a major asset, it helped me, guided me. The amazement kept me alert, anticipation, etc. Quite a nice hobby it was, then the land of Harper arose! But that's another story...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
Whoa a minute. I thought I was clear that the burn to the leaf was due to its being too close to the bulb and in the heat field. Apology if you missed that due to an omission on my part. the green lantern effect (GLE?) is not UVB related. If you have on good eyeware it is from leaks around that average eyeware. You may have seen my reference to snow goggles. They seal to the face and offer better protection. Had Jim Croce lived long enough he would have amended this: You don't tug on supermans cape, you don't spit into the wind, you don't pull the mask off the old lone ranger and you don't stare into high powered lights or the sun. Eye protection is what its all about. There are many down sides to high powered light, but the simple answer is something we practice just as good sense.
Lets not go creating a panic without basis of fact that there is harm. Blue blocker shades change how we see colors also without lasting effect. My green event lasts about a minute from 450w.. (One person running 1600w reported about 15 minutes) By all means, this is open for discussion as is any grow related issue. But there is an obligation to do it responsibly.

Recognize a condition, determine its cause, assess its damage if any, determine a defense or cure, announce your findings responsibly based on fact. with your recommendations.

That darned ozone layer, just when you think you can make a blanket statement, "The Tropics do it best" It turns around and poses new challenges. Maybe thats why I made the reference to the Kush. and altitude. We also can't forget those pesky holes in the ozone that keep moving around either. And a new phenomena, uncle Sam bulging the outer atmosphere with HAARP., a real wild card.

Eqz, you appear to be an accomplished data miner. Why not see what you can find on that GLE or whatever its called. Here is one clue I find interesting , when the UVB is on the bulb glows the same green under the LEDs. Its actually pretty neat.

Damn, mission creep, I started with a simple light bulb. Now with your inquisitiveness, we might have to change the world. Go figure.
Hi again Feenix,

It would be another mistake to get worried because of me, Feenix. I was hoping you might have realized that.

Thanks again for the sharing and all. Good day, have fun!! :peace:

Don't be so touchy, No thin skins allowed, at least not without sun screen.
I appreciate your participation, don't read something into a colloquialism that isn't there.Why would I worry about you for asking intelligent questions and bringing evidence to the table. As far as mistakes, if I make any I'll just add them to the list where they will blend with the many more. Remember where you are, and that nobody, especially me is waiting to pounce with a Gottcha.

Where you think you are, rec.politics

If it was meant as a derogatory, it would have been, WhoaPardner, hold on there.