Dutch Passion Slims DP Auto Ultimate x 2 Autopot grow

Looking very good @slimjim00 . You are gonna have a tent full of big beautiful buds in a couple of weeks. You gonna be so happy when harvest comes. I love this strain coz the buds gets so fat.

My next grow I'm doing theese as well. I have only done them in soil before with good results.

It's a perfect strain for big yeilds. It's nothing wrong with the smoke. Where I live people like her very much, me aswell. I think she's a perfect movie smoke.

And good job on the lst, looking forward to see buds get big in the coming Weeks.

Love this as um dropping and ultimate and dp cindy jack 2moz
DAY 67:
Lots of bud sites...really looking forward to a nice harvest...Tent smells like sweet bubblegum. Not sure if that's the strain or the Canna Boost causing that sweet smell?
Thanks Rambo & Auto Noob for the rep...
Here are a few pics from today:


You're going to love the growth of the AU Bailey!!...It's ridiculous how big they get! Do you have a lot of head room(height) in your grow room? Or will you have to tie em' down?
Day 76:
They are outgrowing my tent @ this point. Not a bad thing! Haven't had any major issues so far...I am getting a little light burn on some leaves, but I can't control them any longer..Hopefully harvest in a few weeks...
What do ya think?


Day 84:
Still going strong after returning from a few of the Bakers Dozen...
They are getting huge...Thank you Dutch Passion, Canna, and Autopots! I think this will be my biggest harvest to date! Not sure how much I will get from these two...I guess I have at least another 2 weeks before harvest? How long are these going to go? 100days? wow..



Thanks cornell!! Yeah, you are going to have fun with this one! They grow and grow and grow...:growing:
Feel free to ask me anything about these AU beans...I will be glad to help!
Day 90
Still putting on some bud weight...Probably harvest the top of AU#1 on Saturday. There is a LOT of popcorn under these tops...Brush is so thick, my led's can't penetrate it. Has anyone had success harvesting just the tops and then let the bottom popcorn grow into buds? Or is the plant so damaged that it will never heal itself to grow buds? Any advice would be awesome...thanks everyone!

