Dutch Passion Slims DP Auto Ultimate x 2 Autopot grow

Day 59
They finally flowered on day 50. Now I am running out of headroom again. Some of the tops of AU#2 are only about 7 inches away from my Mars II 400w led, and they are still growing!! I am REALLY worried I am going to burn them up! Any suggestions before I burn my crop?
AU#2 on right:
Hey bro mind i told you what i do with cable tying it to the top i makes the light flush with the pole just put a cable tye through each hole individualy and ull be good to go
Here they are, Day 62 and they are still growing. Been removing dead stuff from the bottom of each AU. I see some sugar forming on some leaves! Been hitting them with Canna Coco A + B and Canna Boost & Canna ZYM...Really looking forward to a nice yield...

Looking very good @slimjim00 . You are gonna have a tent full of big beautiful buds in a couple of weeks. You gonna be so happy when harvest comes. I love this strain coz the buds gets so fat.

My next grow I'm doing theese as well. I have only done them in soil before with good results.

It's a perfect strain for big yeilds. It's nothing wrong with the smoke. Where I live people like her very much, me aswell. I think she's a perfect movie smoke.

And good job on the lst, looking forward to see buds get big in the coming Weeks.

Day 59
They finally flowered on day 50. Now I am running out of headroom again. Some of the tops of AU#2 are only about 7 inches away from my Mars II 400w led, and they are still growing!! I am REALLY worried I am going to burn them up! Any suggestions before I burn my crop?
AU#2 on right:
View attachment 777926
super cropping is the only thing i can think of do a youtube search for the know how b easyier than me tryin to explain great growing mate :slap: