Lighting Slater's next project

Cool! that was my plan also, but, in keeping with my KISS principal, I decided to go the other direction lol!

This is all just precursor to train my self ready for when I really tech it up with a digital controller. I love the idea of playing around with sunrise's and sunset's, stuff like that.
This thing is such a beast. You need some freaking decals on this guy! That control box is the tits, for real great job. Crisp, clean, quality. Like you said, pimping.

This thing is such a beast. You need some freaking decals on this guy! That control box is the tits, for real great job. Crisp, clean, quality. Like you said, pimping.


thanks dude, feeling pretty pleased with myself on this build. I can't wait to get a full grow on. Got a few tweaks to go but she's up and running.
We have launch Huston...

Soon as these girls finish up in the next week and a bit I will get a full grow on and we can see what this light can do.. Fastbuds west coast OG coming up.



For those that want to see what she's pulling at full power


Absolutely sexy there Slater.. Love it.. Looking very profesh.. You gonna run the 3w all the time, or just flower?
Cheers bud

cheers dude, now this is something I'm still debating with my self. The plan was to not run them, thats why I put the switch on but now I'm thinking of running them to utilize the UV and royal blue more...mmmm... still mulling this one over.
DIY problems... Hahaha.. Ether way, u gonna kill it bro... I think uv is most beneficial during flower.. Not 100%.. I was thinking of adding a uv10 cfl to the center of each of my panels.. Still undecided..
Start up a new thread of ur grow,,, tag me,, im interested in your results..
DIY problems... Hahaha.. Ether way, u gonna kill it bro... I think uv is most beneficial during flower.. Not 100%.. I was thinking of adding a uv10 cfl to the center of each of my panels.. Still undecided..
Start up a new thread of ur grow,,, tag me,, im interested in your results..

Will do on the tag, going to run it with remo nutes as well, should be in for some good action if it performs.