Indoor Slaters Loft - The 2017 'Get some from your mother' tour


Up Date

Lady's seem happy, being strict with my self and just leaving them to it. Quick check in the morning and again 12 hrs later...Its that semi boring, semi on the edge of my seat waiting for shit to happen stage but a good time to get the plan together...Temps running steady in the tent, will have to add humidity in when I take there little green houses off as the hot box dry's the air right out, I'm reading 20%RH.

A picture up date of the first three days.. I think I shall have to do more of these

Day 01 - 03

Pineapple Express
- Barneys Farm


White Cheese - Zambeza seeds

Fast and Vast - Heavy Weight seeds
subbed up bro great job as usual @Slater this will be your best grow yet i can feel it!!

Cheers dude, I kinda got that feeling, I know I have said I would only do 2 plant but I'm determined to get 3 in that tent comfortable. Let hope the new pots let that happen, swapping over to 1x 20ltr and 2x 10ltr air pots. The plan is one big plant in the 20ltr scroged and having half the tent, and the other 2 in the smaller 10ltr pots with plenty of LST.
Cheers dude, I kinda got that feeling, I know I have said I would only do 2 plant but I'm determined to get 3 in that tent comfortable. Let hope the new pots let that happen, swapping over to 1x 20ltr and 2x 10ltr air pots. The plan is one big plant in the 20ltr scroged and having half the tent, and the other 2 in the smaller 10ltr pots with plenty of LST.

You watch the girls in the 10ltr pots get bigger than the 20ltr hahahahaha

Up date

Got lucky today and got a day at home so got jobs done for the groom and prepped my pots ready for the lady's and went through my game plan.
My plan as ever is to get the dankest buds and get the best out of my space with LST and scrog. I'm determined to get 3 good plants of the right size in that tent. I manged quite well on my last grow but found that the light penetration could have been a lot better, I must have lost 2-3 oz dry off each plants to fluffy buds.

So I have a cunning plan that's bound to back fire on me because @2Stoned2Care has jinxed it already... by using the 2 smaller pots I'm hopping for that slightly smaller plant to get better light penetration...but we all know that one of them will get away from me now.
The Pineapple Express is getting the 20ltr pot at the back of the tent with a scrog giving her have the most room as she might be the biggest. The White Cheese and Vast and Fast are getting the 10ltr pots up front. Going to mini scrog the vast and the Fast but leave the White Cheese with only a little training, she is the shortie of the three, 60cm max height.
the plan.jpg

Whats on the menu

For the main meal I'm going organic with Bio Bizz on one plant, not chosen which yet (need to use it prefer the plant magic). And for the other 2 plants Plant Magic's Old Timer range.


For all the side dishes I have a cocktail of yummy treats for the lady' for this grow is Plant Magic's Bloom boost.


Prepped the pots, 2/3 soil (B&Q Verve) and 1/3 coco. I did this on my last grow and it work well so nothing to fix there.
Gave the pots a drench until I saw a little run off with a not so strong tea of Root stimulator, seaweed and bio silicon. Same again did this on the last grow and it worked well.


Once the pots had drained I moved them into the main tent to sit there for few days to bring them up to the tent temps before I transplant.


I think I will be taking the lady's little green houses off tomorrow and firing the fan up, lets get them nice and strong. They are growing fast and will be touching the sides in a day or two.
They are on 24/0 of light but I will most probably give them a week more before I change to 20/4

For now we sit and wait for the action to come

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Up date

Got lucky today and got a day at home so got jobs done for the groom and prepped my pots ready for the lady's and went through my game plan.
My plan as ever is to get the dankest buds and get the best out of my space with LST and scrog. I'm determined to get 3 good plants of the right size in that tent. I manged quite well on my last grow but found that the light penetration could have been a lot better, I must have lost 2-3 oz dry off each plants to fluffy buds.

So I have a cunning plan that's bound to back fire on me because @2Stoned2Care has jinxed it already... by using the 2 smaller pots I'm hopping for that slightly smaller plant to get better light penetration...but we all know that one of them will get away from me now.
The Pineapple Express is getting the 20ltr pot at the back of the tent with a scrog giving her have the most room as she might be the biggest. The White Cheese and Vast and Fast are getting the 10ltr pots up front. Going to mini scrog the vast and the Fast but leave the White Cheese with only a little training, she is the shortie of the three, 60cm max height.
View attachment 688597

Whats on the menu

For the main meal I'm going organic with Bio Bizz on one plant, not chosen which yet (need to use it prefer the plant magic). And for the other 2 plants Plant Magic's Old Timer range.

View attachment 688599

For all the side dishes I have a cocktail of yummy treats for the lady' for this grow is Plant Magic's Bloom boost.

View attachment 688600

Prepped the pots, 2/3 soil (B&Q Verve) and 1/3 coco. I did this on my last grow and it work well so nothing to fix there.
Gave the pots a drench until I saw a little run off with a not so strong tea of Root stimulator, seaweed and bio silicon. Same again did this on the last grow and it worked well.

View attachment 688608

Once the pots had drained I moved them into the main tent to sit there for few days to bring them up to the tent temps before I transplant.

View attachment 688612

I think I will be taking the lady's little green houses off tomorrow and firing the fan up, lets get them nice and strong. They are growing fast and will be touching the sides in a day or two.
They are on 24/0 of light but I will most probably give them a week more before I change to 20/4

For now we sit and wait for the action to come

Sounds like a very well thought out plan bro.i am glad you put the pots in the tent to get the medium up to room temp.i do that with every medium is totaly bone dry when my seeds go in.i really think alot of stunted grows i have seen are because people have not let the medium get to tent temps so it shocks the poor babys especially if they use cold water as baby white cheese popped out yesterday so will put a pic up tomorrow and tag you in

Sent from my expensive phone i never use