Photoperiod Slaters Garden...

Can't even get them to do a simple one auto back garden grow... t

Imagine if everyone who smokes did that... It would force change in the law overnight. Mind you, I've often thought about doing an auto in my garden just to stick 2 fingers up to the law but then I'm worried it will lead our friends in blue to the 9 pot RDWC indoors!!!
Fantastic & how it should be worldwide. I mean, how crazy is it to make a plant illegal? It never ceases to amaze me how ridiculous this is. And well done for spreading the growing love (or should that be "the love of growing"?)

I shake my head everyday... when I found out what it relay was (started on hash back in the day so didn't see any weed for at least a couple of years) I could believe that it was just a plant...

I would love to do an out door but I have school at the end of my garden so that out of the question
started on hash back in the day so didn't see any weed for at least a couple of years

Same here mate - Gold seal, Red seal etc. etc. The first weed I smoked was shitty brick-weed from the rastas when I used to go to Jah Shaka's sound system nights at The Rocket in Holloway road.
I've try to spread the love with a few friends... ha ha, lazy buggers most of them, seen how much work it is and rather smoke mine when they come over. Can't even get them to do a simple one auto back garden grow... they just can't stop policing them selves... that's the greatest trick the Great British system has manged in this county, is that we police our selves every day... tricky breaking that programing, but it can be done ;)
Funny, I have the same push back with many of my pals too. I’ve intentionally been much less generous with the finished product and often get a plant started (fast auto) in a good super soil and just tell them to give it water, love and sun. Getting an entire plant is the draw.
Comical though , as the emboldened ones are going so far as to tell me which terps they now prefer...Growing has to be fun.
Same here mate - Gold seal, Red seal etc. etc. The first weed I smoked was shitty brick-weed from the rastas when I used to go to Jah Shaka's sound system nights at The Rocket in Holloway road.

ha ha... red seal was the first thing a I bought from a mate at school... Thai brick weed (some times Thai stick on rare occasion) was the first green that came our way... great stuff, the best giggle fits ever was had on that brick weed... Something me and my old smoking buddy have been talking about of recent, that the old brick weed got you laughing and bought on the giggle fits way more... bet it's because that it was land race and more of a one to one with the cbd and thc... possibly
Funny, I have the same push back with many of my pals too. I’ve intentionally been much less generous with the finished product and often get a plant started (fast auto) in a good super soil and just tell them to give it water, love and sun. Getting an entire plant is the draw.
Comical though , as the emboldened ones are going so far as to tell me which terps they now prefer...Growing has to be fun.

we are just learning turps in my part of the UK, it been a lot of cheese and white widow until I started growing me own... now I can't get enough of those fruit flavor, grape be a bit of fave at the moment
we are just learning turps in my part of the UK, it been a lot of cheese and white widow until I started growing me own... now I can't get enough of those fruit flavor, grape be a bit of fave at the moment
Really might want to reach out to Stone. The BlueStone is Blueberry, raspberry, fruit. Nice.
It is MoB x JH x Blackstone. Blackstone was pure black cherry for me.
Mephisto’s Grapey Walter and Sour Stomper might fit your needs too....
@GoodSmoke has just posted this question else where so I though i would get him on over to the journal and to start to answer it in detail...

"Hi, newbie here. I have been using remo for about 3 grows now, every single one of them has succumb to some strange problems. Currently my grow is experiencing Nitrogen Claw unlike any claw ive seen before, the last 3 did the same and within a week most if not all the foilage dried and died. Basically the central vein seems to exhibit unusual growth causing the leaves to cup downward while extruding upwards at the vein, then comes burning and leaf drop. Run off is around 6.0 using lytmus paper to test. I ran my PPM at 400 for the previous 2 this time i got a syringe and done it by the ML. All in a coco soil mix 50/50, 1 bio tab to remove the need for serious feeding.
I gave for the first and only feed for the current grow, 1ml Remo Micro and 1ml Magnifical. Within the day the signs began to show, im not sure if im doing something wrong or i have bad nutrients. I completed one grow using them with no real problems, slight chlorosis and a lil burn, i started feeding halfway through the grow as i just purchased the set and all was well, a successful harvest. Then problem after problem.
If anyone can help or has even had the same experience and can assure me the nutirents are at fault (bad batch im guessing) please, pipe up.

The trick with remo is to throw the feed chart out of the window... it can be very N heavy as you have found out.

stick with the ratio's Remo suggest but cut your feed down to 1ml / 1.2 ml per LTR... some strains will go down to 0.7ml LTR, I have one growing now that only wants 0.7ml a LTR but likes the cal mag at 1ml

aim for a an EC of 1.2 / 1.3 no higher unless the plants tell you...

cut the Kelp at around end of week 2 of stretch... then move the kelp to a once a week feed, I use it on a mini flush with microbes about every 7 days (plus natures candy to feed the microbs)... this is a big saving on money, I also folia feed with the kelp (every day in veg)
are you under LED's ? if so you may find that you need to up the cal/mag on some strains to 1.2ml a LTR. if not you can cut that righ back

The trick with Remo is little is more... cut right back on everything down to near on a 1/4 - 1/3 of recommended doesage

here is feed chart i made for @St. Tom (he's all over remo as well)... now this has been made for photo's but can be applied to auto very easily (right click, down load and print)

the odd thing has change since i wrote this, I like to use Recharge for microbes now (works better in drip system) and i use a product called winters frost in week 7 to boost Tric performance and turps.

Don't panic me and Tom have gone through this as well but have come out the other side for the better... Remo is extremely good once you get the swing of it... don't give upon it, I nearly did but glad I didn't... now knocking out the park and into the next field

up date... up date... up date... up date... up date... up date... up date... up date... up date... up date... up date... up date... up date... up date...

Time to get this journal back up and running...

Right, so what is in Slater Garden of recent ?

Lets kick this off with my most recent harvest... Blasphemy by level 42 genetics (grape ape x holy grail)...
EDIT - its B.S.E. x Yeti Og

again I put the call out, I would love more seeds of this and I can't find them any where. I was gifted two as freebie's over a year ago. If you know where I can get some I would be very forth coming with gifts of clones and what ever I throw some pollen at.

Welcome back to the garden everyone...

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Blasphemy can be quite fussy at times, this is the best I have got her (3rd time lucky)... she can be over fed quite easily if not careful and will only produce tiny marble size nugs, which is what I thought she grew like at first. I kept her because she is one of the tastiest smokes I've ever had... spicy tangie flavors roll over the tongue.

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I have to admit I'm quite shocked at the differences in her from my last two grows... this time round I got her a little more squat, she can be quite a stretcher

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I took the feed right down to 0.7ml a ltr... I grow with the full Remo line up with added microbe feeds every week (recharge) and Winter Frost (Millennium Nutrients) in the 7th week... found out she does like the cal mag as I had to up that in week 4 as one clone stared to get a little mag deficiency in the leaves...

Game - can you spot the cola I had to chop due to bud rot... yep it's that time of year in the UK when every harvest gets the rot at least once... man the RH was up to 80% the other day just in my back yard

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She sacked far better than before, I would say she is just as frosty as the last grows, no change there... Just remembered, if you want to see the last time she grew (she filled a gap on another test grow) here's the link to my Healing path journal -

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Turps - very spicy , hint of fuel with hints of orange... no grape to smell so i can only assume she leans towards her Holy Grail parentage

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So can't wait to run the trim for water hash, she is super greasy. Got this funny feeling the temple balls will just melt and the dabs will be super flavorsome... we will just have to wait and see

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Thank for stopping by... so whats to come in the garden for the future, well I'm expecting to be packing it down soon to move house... that if we get the exchange, we will know this week.

In the mean time I have some Fresh Orange (fems) by Dank Gentic to show case, at the atrt of week 3 of flower... sad thing is I had to chop 2 yesterday due to hermie's... not a good start by Dank Genetics for there first grow in the garden... only 5 out of 6 popped, now two have hermied at the end of the second week of flower... mmmmmmmm not impressed so far.

any how that is to come and the hopefully a new grow room build out in a couple of months... so can't wait to show you... ah yes just remembered, the first grow out in the new Grow Room if we get the house will be a full on Auto grow, no dwarfing.... Got to get me some of @FullDuplex gear on the grow, this should be one to write home about

Grow safe people, remember keep it green and I will View attachment 1089812
glad your back up and running i have missed your updates and your such a nice fella and help everyone who asks you including me :pass::bighug: