Lighting Slater gets his COB on

First heat sink tapped... and rest

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That's it for the day, time to take advantage of having the home cinema to my self.... Heat sinks tapped, onto the frame tomorrow.
The tip of using WD40 in the hole as your drilling is golden, makes it so much quicker.

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Did the table survive?

So far she's doing OK, the test will today lot os haking and sawing and drilling

How can you get that far and stop?

I so didn't want to stop but I was thinking of my neighbors, I got a mini grinder to chop the frame and that will make a lot of noise, bound to hear through the walls...didn't fancy trying to explaining my self the next day... its been hard enough explaining all the other DIY stuff for the groom over the fence with no obvious work been done to the house... They are cool and know I smoke but best to be safe than sorry.
First question I have to throw out there for this build is - How are you fixing your cables to the inside of the frame ?
I'm a little stumped on this one, I don't want to put cable ties round my frame , that's gonna a look shit.

@BigSm0 whats your hack for this.
First part of the frame done... I just wanted to show my corners off...considering how stoned I am this is an achievement... "by the power of AK 49... I have the power "

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I was having trouble with the hammer then I looked to the left and saw the jump rope, all I can say is I Hope your in the wrong toolbox. :rofl:

I haven't done many angle aluminum frames for this reason. We seem to share the same OCD. But it doesn't mean you can't use it and make a nice light. Depending on where you want to see the ties you could drill a hole a 1/4" in from the top or across the bottom. Use the outer edge and the new hole as the place you make the loop in your tie vs wrapping it around the whole frame. There are a few other options but that's about the best.

So far so good! I'm very excited for this
I was having trouble with the hammer then I looked to the left and saw the jump rope, all I can say is I Hope your in the wrong toolbox. :rofl:

I haven't done many angle aluminum frames for this reason. We seem to share the same OCD. But it doesn't mean you can't use it and make a nice light. Depending on where you want to see the ties you could drill a hole a 1/4" in from the top or across the bottom. Use the outer edge and the new hole as the place you make the loop in your tie vs wrapping it around the whole frame. There are a few other options but that's about the best.

So far so good! I'm very excited for this

That was what I was thinking to, to drill some holes... think I will put them on the top edge to keep the base clear.

Here's where I'm up to, I had to reinforce the base cross piece, where I had cut into it to slot top piece in it had weakened and was cause it to bend with heat sinks on the ends. So I Had tied it all in with tapping the center heat sink, solid as a rock now. I also plan to hang it from in between the heat sinks to take the weight better.
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Nice Nice Nice
Welcome aboard Slater my broski with regards to COB's

I like the frame idea, but I do not have half the equipment to make one so yeah, mine is proper make shift... but hey its doing its job and thats what matters most