Lighting Slater gets his COB on

Have you got his eBay name or a way I can contact him I can't afford to buy the pre build one so best thing is for me to do is build one lol

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Well I know he hasn't got any at the moment mate. I spoke to him last week. And he had no immediate plans to get more bits in as he is I think starting to do quantum boards instead.

His eBay name is simowerne0.

Hmmm notice the use of the "0" instead of an "o"? @BigSm0 have you got a swedish alter ego???? :crying:
Well I know he hasn't got any at the moment mate. I spoke to him last week. And he had no immediate plans to get more bits in as he is I think starting to do quantum boards instead.

His eBay name is simowerne0.

Hmmm notice the use of the "0" instead of an "o"? @BigSm0 have you got a swedish alter ego???? :crying:
Forgot the password on big smo :smoking: Plus I'd hate to piss off the real smo, he is big by the way. As for the boards check @Evil-Mobo grow out. The inverse square law too.
I realise I'm late to this party !
I juat read the entire thread and noticed your excitement when getting your bits together , I'm at that stage now.
How did they go mate? You still pleased with your new lights? I'm hoping to be up and running in a couple of weeks!