Mephisto Genetics skystomper and sourstomper grow.

we fed them some i guess u could call it aloe tea. just took some of the aloe plant and juiced it into a 1 gallon jug. added water. turned green brown after 2-3 days. split it between all of them. they seemed to love that too. @CaNNaDON420 's idea on that. cant hurt lol. but they do look very healthy and not a bad size for a soil germ. so if we are going by sprout day. probably 24-25 days old now. but bro says b4 the filter they were already starting to get a little smelly in a good way

yes dont take long to start stinking.. the SourStomper smells like crazy already only day 30 i think
all the girls got pony tailed again today and leafs tucked. even the younger girl got her hair tied up. give all a good chance under new lights to grow out. i expect huge changes over the next week. got to catch up to @Powerful14 his sour is a little further ahead and looking mighty fine.
Diana ( Heisenberg special) 1st pony tail. Day 18 for her
i have never tried the ponytail method but think i will give it a try on the next run, seems alot of growers use it
we been running lights 24/0 any real reason to change it to 20/4? besides power costs and maybe heat management? is there a reason for the dark time in the plants genetics. i know with photos the dark time is pretty critical. just wondering . thanks
Very nice man u noticing a difference with the new lights?
yes. i dont personally see them hardly ever. but yes. the differences are huge lol. dries out soil faster, hotter, eats up some humidity as well. lol jk. the girls have shown they love the extra light. i imagine in 3 days when i get the after ponytail pictures we all will see the huge difference in the light and how much the ponytailing helped out the plant. picturing a rather even canopy when they get dont with the training. then just simple bend tie and tuck training to keep em even after that.