Indoor Skunk#1 auto-fem and auto Haze grow in kind soil.

A nice cure will really change the smoke! You are doing great but the cure is just as important as the grow.
Most definitely will be curing it bro, I want the Best from these Girls. I just get a little excited lol! I'm just hoping I can capture this same smell in my harvest it has now wow! It's got a strong stinch a good stinch lol
IMG_20170925_172457.jpg IMG_20170925_182303.jpg IMG_20170925_182312.jpg Got my cobs in today from @BigSm0
Hooked one up over my Auto Haze already will add the other in a few days and put the led in middle until I harvest the skunk! Then may move the led and keep the two on the Haze!!!
Any suggestions are welcomed?
Actually just really stoked about them and Hope My Girls like them they are definitely Bright as Fuck!
I watered my Haze tonight this is the last water with the Mammoth P at this amount I will increase it now to double what I'm giving now as the chart shows to!
Girls looking good the skunk is really getting some nice fat buds on her!! And the Haze is Blowing up man she is getting Bushy and I'm not even trying to keep her tied down no more lst for either just leaf tucking from here on the Haze is growing to fast I'm afraid I will break Her if I keep pulling on her!!!
If I'm needing to set my lights a certain way guys feel free to let me know even though things are going good I'm still learning ✌️
Currently rearrange the lights I put the led in middle and the cobs on each side the led is 18inches like it already was and the cobs are at 27 inches and I will lower over a period of a few days!!!! I just got fucking excited like a monkey with two petters when I got the cobs but I don't want to hurt my plants lol so hope this will be better approach atm!!
And them cobs are fucking bright!!!
Thanks @BigSm0
And thanks @Dudeski