Indoor Skunk#1 auto-fem and auto Haze grow in kind soil.

If it gives me more bud I'm all for it lol but I think the tecnic is cool I have plenty of room as far as hight I just wanted more bud hahaha but really quality is key for me but right now this is my first grow and all you guys has helped me so much I have no complaints at all I get the basics down I be fine I just watered them a good bit of 6.5 pH water we will see in morning or next day how they liked it I give the skunk right at half gallon and the Haze under half gallon the pots was really light and the skunk is kicking ass on smell man I want to smoke it now hahaha the Haze has a unique smell to that's new she smells almost minty lol hope that's normal. I hope none you guys get tired of my newbie thinking and comments my main goal is to learn from you guys is all✌️ I know I've ring @Eyes on Fire a bunch he has more patience than most hahaha but at the end of the day just want to make my own meds.

I was told I would have a minimum yeild and @budelee encourage me a bit I feel much better it's all about learning guys and I appreciate all y'all and respect y'all's knowledge and grows!!!
Well today the skunk is 39 days old and the Haze is 35 days, and the skunk is looking better to me last few days and the Haze is now starting to grow a bit fast !!! My lights are almost 18 inches from the highest bud lol and I'm not seeing any issues and my temps are doing much better the highest I've seen is 85 but that was when I had door open and my humidity is at the highest 51 and lowest 47 not really much else to report other than can't wait to grind up a big ole bowl of both I'm already getting excited about my next run hahaha.,✌️
I wouldn't worry too much, bro. Only thing: if runoff ph is at 7, I would give water at ph 6.0 until runoff is good again.
I only LST because of height. I love the natural shape, but I have to keep them low.
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Changed the sleeve on my carbon filter this one was brown from dirt I got it dirty when I made a hole for ventilation I had my plants out for several hours and I left the fan on and it got my sleeve dirty but got it all cleaned now. There not easy to find so I used quilt batting it's same as the sleeve just a bit thinner so I doubled it my fan is quieter now hahaha temps getting a bit to high the weather here is fucking HOTT today but girls seem to be ok
Nice, man, i think youll be plenty happy with the results my friend.but next grow no PH run off BS here man. nadda.
You been a big help man! Next round will be all Mephisto!! I been reading some strain review on the beans I got and I think I'm gonna be happy with my Mephisto. And this grow as well ✌️
Soon as I chop these and get my room ready trust me you will be the first to get a pm hahahaha but yes I'm gonna run two Mephisto Just got to decide which ones I have Stilton special,Toof Decay, Northern Cheese Haze, so it be two of them or one of each at this point!! @Eyes on Fire was gonna ask you how to I start the count on my flower time meaning how do I know what week of flower I'm in this may be to noobish but the skunk I know is well into it and the Haze has sexed about a week ago?
Honestly?lol the best thing imho is to learn to read your plants instead of counting days and weeks really. ppl ask me what day or week is that? LMFAO couldnt tell you,ever. i can guess.but learn to watch many strains and different sizes then youll only need a glance verses flipping pages in a book and writing shit down. screw that LMAO less shit I gotta do. thats my recommendation bro!