Lighting Single Autocob Grow (2x2x4)

... I plant my auto’s & a month or so later I plant photos . When the auto’s are done I flip to 12/12 , works good for me ...
Nice... I hope i can do the same one day!
so.... got 4 more autocobs!!!! yay!!!! thanks @BigSm0

might not use them yet as i'm quite happy with just one for me, but once my gf and best friend decide to demand herbs for them too, we will setup the 3x3 and get those 4 lights in there and add the one i already have as a fifth!!!!

oh, hahahaha, btw, this is what the single cob in my 2x2 is doing for my plant after 7 weeks flowering (not an auto)! the two main colas are about 4-6 inches from the light!!! one of them really doesn't like the closeness and grows away from it... clearly too close but i couldn't figure out how to get the lamp/colas further away! have tried a few sugary leaves in the vape... they taste like sweet grapes!!!! lovely!!




Again thanks to ... and all the people in these forums who helped this light get known by others like me... it really deserves its praises!
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I have 2 them and love them. Have 3500 on 20/4 schedule and 2700 i turn o. When they start to flower. Im in a small tent 24X24X60 and i noticed when i turn the 2700 on it does raise my temperature 7-15 degrees with 2 auto's inside.
i knew i was subbed in!! might be time to go perpetual with your new lights and tent :greenthumb:

The supposedly Auto AK that had her full life cycle under the single autocob has been harvested. Did 3 diferent harvests, 1 week between each. All is curring now. Got about 30 g of dried sugary leaves that i've been using while i wait for the buds to cure... very nice high and flavors. Total dried bud weight was 61.3 g. Not sure if it was a good yield or not, but considering everything i think quality is really excellent, and i think quantity was not so bad... taking into account all the money i spent on that single plant, i estimated how much $/g resulted and I'm saving more than 3 times what i would have to pay to buy something of similar quality in the streets. :D
Here are a few pics:

right before 2nd harvest:

after 3rd/final harvest

buds curing (hygrometers are 4% above actaal RH)

Now the single autocob in the 2x2 has new inhabitants. One is the Royal Bluematic (still not sure if it's authentic) that had veged a little there before the "Auto AK" got too big and displaced her to the window where only indirect sunlight hits. The others are clones taken from the "Auto AK"... the bigger one is a mom that has provided clones 3 times already and i have her in an organic medium; the smaller ones are from the last batch of clone taken from the mom and which i'm trying grow with some nutes i was given at a grow shop for free but clearly are not wokring for me. will soon transplant to coco and feed MC.


So.... i get that this 2x2 would produce more with another lamp in it, but the single autocob satisfies my needs quite well... I still have to test it out with authentic autoflowering seeds, and also see how differnet things would be with PK boosters, so I already started germinating an Auto Haze 2.0 by Dinafem and plan to flower one of the Auto AK clones once the HAze 2.0 is finished. Hopefully the Bluematic will be done when the Haze 2.0 needs the space.
The 3x3 kit we bought is still unused.
congrats on the harvest and enjoy those jars!! im sure they taste 100x better knowing you put it the hard work and the green thumb to produce quality goods.