Lighting Single Autocob Grow (2x2x4)

Ugh... i stepped on the Auto Haze 2.0 seed during germination process. Might not make it. So I decided to germinate a Black DOG from HSO. She's doing fine! Put on moist paper on the 7th, put in peat on the 11th, sprouted today. Will introduce into the tent to receive autocob light this weekend, 36+inches bellow the light.
Wow, I had completely forgotten about this thread I had started. Since CobShop's section is up again, let me update a bit what's been going on since last time in this 2x2x4 tent using a single 3500K Autocob.

The tent still is functioning bellow optimal conditions (just one autocob, cold temps, low DLI, as little nutes as possible, etc). I harvested one plant since last time I posted here (Royal Bluematic), and have a photo strain going on that will be flipped into 12/12 in a few days (Black D.O.G). Hopefully next run will be with an authentic autoflowering strain.
I have 4 more autocobs and an Anthelion PCB, but haven't used them... I still find using just one autocob quite nice and satisfying for my needs. I have two mothers of the photos (supposedly Auto AK and authentic Black D.O.G.) i've grown here under the single autocob so in the future (after I've had a few satisfying auto runs) i plan to use them to do several test runs with clones taken from them... some runs using another Autocob and others using just one Autocob again but adding the Anthelion PCB to see the differences.

The Royal Bluematic was harvested after 142 days since the seed was put in moist paper towels; a bit over three months of flowering time which had to be induced by switching to 12/12. The final 45 days of the flowering phase were spent under the single 3500k Autocob at 18/6, but most of her life was spent next to a window with 12/12 of indirect sunlight. She foxtalied toward the end. Not the best yields for such a long grow but really nice, chatty high with a wide range of flavors, from cookie dough to sweet sweet berries aftertastes.

Here are some pics from Bluematic's harvest day


And the Black D.O.G has has been in veg in the tent for a bit over 2 months. She was topped for an 8 colas manifold, but suffered unwanted additional tops and cracks... now has 5 colas and the canopy is a bit uneven for what i had expected. But she's a nice, healthy, little bush. She sits 22 inches bellow the single autocob today, each cola is 6 inches tall and some branches are taller than them. She will be flipped into 12/12 by monday or tuesday. I still use MC v1 with sporadic CalMag Pro, and plan to keep it that way during flowering. I do have Bud Explosion at hand but hope not to fall into temptation hehehe.

Here are some pics of her taken this morning (Day 70 counting from the day the seed was put in moist paper)
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lookin mighty fine from here :thumbsup: fat cola and the black dog is super happy healthy green :smokeit:
good luck n keep er lit

thanks! quite excited to see how much de D.O.G stretches!

You've got some nice bud there. Enjoy the hell out of it.

thank you! all harvests have been deeply enjoyed but not depleted yet... though i give so much out to friends i'm running low now! i hope i still have some while the D.O.G. is done!
Looking really great man. I'm also just running a single autocob over a single plant right now while I'm working out of town away from my home grow rig.

Thanks! Do you have a journal on that single autocob grow of yours? would love to follow.

By the way... the autopot containers you used in the grow in your signature are those 2.2 gal containers?
I started a new job that takes alot of my time so I'm seriously considering getting a 1Pot Autopot system for this tent and already contacted Autopot USA and they said they would change the 3.9 gal in the 1pot kit for a 2.2 and refund the diference. Also considering just buying the easy2go kit instead of the 1pot system and diy it to work with the 1.5 gal I already use. Any thoughts on this? Biggest concern is my tent is just 4 feet tall.
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I actually don't always love the easy2grow double pot rig. The plants end up so close together it's sometimes hard to get in there.

I got the easy2go valve that I've set up to do a large single plant for the Mephisto grow battle.

I'm not doing a journal of the C99 V4, it's just a little play plant that I'm growing in an RV while im working out of town this summer.

Here it is last night with all of its glorious tip brown

I actually don't always love the easy2grow double pot rig. The plants end up so close together it's sometimes hard to get in there.

I got the easy2go valve that I've set up to do a large single plant for the Mephisto grow battle.

I'm not doing a journal of the C99 V4, it's just a little play plant that I'm growing in an RV while im working out of town this summer.

Here it is last night with all of its glorious tip brown

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oh... ok! thanks! so those pots in your signature are the 2.2 gal ones that come with the easy2grow kit.

I definitely wouldn't get that kit, but I think your 2019 fall stealth cabinet has just helped lean more towards getting the easy2go kit (valve, cover, filters.... for 30 dollars) over the 1pot system with a 2.2 instead of 3.9 gal pot (77 dollars with 3.9 gal pot, 75 with 2.2 gal pot).
I just have to check if the 45 dollars difference from buying the 1pot system vs a diy setup with the easy2go kit is worth it, but i imagine that building my own reservoir and tray shouldn't cost that much, right?

any how, thanks!
oh... ok! thanks! so those pots in your signature are the 2.2 gal ones that come with the easy2grow kit.

I definitely wouldn't get that kit, but I think your 2019 fall stealth cabinet has just helped lean more towards getting the easy2go kit (valve, cover, filters.... for 30 dollars) over the 1pot system with a 2.2 instead of 3.9 gal pot (77 dollars with 3.9 gal pot, 75 with 2.2 gal pot).
I just have to check if the 45 dollars difference from buying the 1pot system vs a diy setup with the easy2go kit is worth it, but i imagine that building my own reservoir and tray shouldn't cost that much, right?

any how, thanks!

We shall see I guess. I havn't put anything in it yet. I'm sure I managed to screw something up. To be fair, I've grown a LOT of great herb in that 2 pot easy2grow rig. I wish it was 4 inches wider, but as soon as my Mephisto grow battle is over, I'll be back to double potting it