Lighting Single Autocob Grow (2x2x4)

this is whats going on with my tent under the single 65W 3500 Autocob:

1. 48 days old Auto AK, 7 L bucket, filled up to 5 L. Has a few pistils on the main stalk. She eats 1.0-1.1 EC of MC and 0.1 Cal-Mag Pro. Autocob is at 34 inches from the top, leaves are starting to pray.

2. 2 days old Royal Bluematic, 7 L bucket filled almost full. Autocob is at 38 inches from the top.

Here are some pics from today:

I don't think I'll be able to have a third plant in there!!!
And a couple pics of what things look like after a week:

Top of older plant is at 30 inches form the light now, top of younger is at 36 inches.

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Can't say how happy I'm with this light!!!!!
The Auto AK growing under her is 73 days old (counting from the day the seed was put in moist paper), is already filling out the 2x2 tent and is at 23-24 inches from the light...
the 26 days old Royal Bluematic that was living there now has to share the light from outside the tent!

Both plants love the light! Still laugh at my self when i remember i thought i could have 3 plants in there!!!

Some pics...
Holy, beauty of a plant.
How tall is your tent? I was looking into adding one of these AutoCobs to my tent (or two and replace my light entirely) and my setup is 2'x3' and is only 53" tall.
Looks like yours is similar or even a bit shorter so this could be some proof that I can use to convince myself to spend more money ;)
Holy, beauty of a plant.
How tall is your tent? I was looking into adding one of these AutoCobs to my tent (or two and replace my light entirely) and my setup is 2'x3' and is only 53" tall.
Looks like yours is similar or even a bit shorter so this could be some proof that I can use to convince myself to spend more money ;)
thanks for passing by!

my tent is 56 inches tall, almost went with a 48 inch one but @BigSm0 had adviced me to go with as much height as possible and I see now why. in the 2x2 range, 56 inches was the tallest i found at the time and don't regret it at all... but maybe a bit taller would be nice to see a auto grow with out LSTing it.
with LST, so far, i've had no problems with height in here... my only issue is horizontal space.

bare in mind this lamp doesn't produce much heat, so maybe a taller tent will also be a colder one.