Simple Tea?

Feb 5, 2021
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Blue Dream
I’m going to try a different soil mix than my first two grows where I used NLS in a living soil mix which both proved to be problematic in the flowering stage. Planting autos into 5 gal fabric pots with bottom 1/3 filled with FF Strawberry Fields soil mixed with 2 tbls FF Cavern Culture (higher phosphorous content). The remainder of pot filled with 50/50 mix of FF Strawberry Fields and Happy Frog soil (with 2 tbls NLS Autoflower amendment...shouldn’t have added it but too late). Plan on using Recharge during veg. Would using a simple tea made with molasses and EWC a couple of times during flower stage be sufficient to get them to harvest? Should I use more ingredients in the tea, i.e, kelp meal, alfalfa meal, seabird guano, etc.?

Strawberry Fields

Happy Frog

VermisTerra Worm Castings

Cavern Culture
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@NickDanger3rdEye It has been my personal experience that layering different media does not work well because the roots grow all the way to the bottom of the pot immediately.
I’m a week or two out from planting. Think I should just mix it all up? What about the simple tea?
What if your parents planned out your entire life this way before you were even born, lol... My advice is to pull back and slow down a bit.. You're growing an auto.. That will be dead in 90 days.. That will be flowering in 30.. Pull back bro.. Learn about all of the products you mentioned.. What they do.. How they work.. When they are best used.. Learn all of that. No one can answer whether a tea will be sufficient to get you through harvest when the plant isn't even alive yet. Every plant/seed is different.. They grow differently, respond differently, feed differently.. No one uses teas multiple times.. Especially with an auto.. I'm not sure where all this mixing different soils is coming from.. Youtube guys, Reddit posts.. Idk.. But literally makes no sense if you just pull back and think it through. Whty would you/do you need a phosphorus boost before the plant is in flower?

Do me a favor.. Compare the ingredients in all FIVE products.. the HF, the SF, the recharge, and the worm castings and the CC... Now tell me how many ingredients are duplicated or listed in all 5 products.. Now add up the npk of the four products that have an npk value and average it out..

Growing plants is not like wood working or building a bird house. There are no set of instructions that you can follow to get a guaranteed result.

Babies eat baby food until they have teeth to chew.. Then they move to solid foods.. You're planning on feeding your plants 5 course meals from day one, and moving up to 7-8 courses by flower. Regardless if they like it, need it or want it.. Maybe try treating it like/looking at it like a living, breathing, growing, changing organism. Maybe that can help curve some of this over doing
Point(s) taken and much appreciated. From crappy grows from first two tries I’m trying to look ahead and head anything off at the pass if it shows up. I see so many tea recipes with multiple ingredients I was wondering if a simple tea of molasses and EWC would make a decent simple tea. Because of previous issues “I” added two smaller amounts of amendments to my soil mixture so that “maybe” I won’t have any deficiencies in the flower stage that I had on previous grows. But...I am using a different soil mix. Tea is just for standby if needed. I will be germinating a couple of seeds this weekend for one outdoor and one indoor grow. (Luv your analogies, they’re great ;) )
Point(s) taken and much appreciated. From crappy grows from first two tries I’m trying to look ahead and head anything off at the pass if it shows up. I see so many tea recipes with multiple ingredients I was wondering if a simple tea of molasses and EWC would make a decent simple tea. Because of previous issues “I” added two smaller amounts of amendments to my soil mixture so that “maybe” I won’t have any deficiencies in the flower stage that I had on previous grows. But...I am using a different soil mix. Tea is just for standby if needed. I will be germinating a couple of seeds this weekend for one outdoor and one indoor grow. (Luv your analogies, they’re great ;) )
Teas have several ingredients because of what they do and how they work.. (I could easily tell you what they do and how they work, but when you really want to know, you'll look it up" lol).. They are used for a certain purpose. Again, if you checked ingredients, you'd see that recharge has molasses in it, as well as every microbe that cavern culture has.. As far as ewc mixed in a simple tea.. Again, ingredients.. Cavern culture is MADE FROM bat poop and bird poop and both soils you're using have worm poop in them... and you want to make a tea out of more poop? I don't use any kind of poop in my grows, especially not 3 different kinds of poop. So I would ask you why would you want a simple made from poop and molasses when both are already in the plans or products?