Seed Stockers Shumway Thin Mint Crack

Day 30

Lst'ed her a bit more and switched hps up to 250w :thumbsup:

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Well shes a little unhappy right now and on the mend :sad:

My damn fan started to seize up on me so wasn't running at full like it should and when i checked the tent yesterday i found the little misses drooping over and tacoing her leaves :cuss:

Thank god my wife had an extra table top fan kicking around lol Went to work and pulled the little 6" fan out and rearranged everything then jammed the new 12" fan in the corner,Gave her an extra good watering and even let her sit in a bowl for a while to let the soil suck up as much as it wanted and she started perking up right away thankfully :woohoo1:Shes going into stretch mode now so going to have to do a bit more lst tweaking but can wait on that till shes fully recovered :smoking:


Day 36

Stretch mode is on :woohoo1: Doing a little better then she was but still has a ways to go.

Gave her a top dressing but spread it out over two waterings so could blend it in to the soil a bit better,Was going to do a 50/50 mix of veg/bloom but went with a 30/70 mix instead,Shes a smaller plant so we'll try and get her building as early as possible lol

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Well 12+ hours later and looks like that split didn't phase her at all :woohoo:

Finally found a velcro strip so cut that down a bit and wrapped her up with that :thumbsup:


Looking like a healthy specimen..
Can't wait to see if she will fatten up nicely..
I have my finger on the order button, need to make a choice soon argh :gassy1:
Looking like a healthy specimen..
Can't wait to see if she will fatten up nicely..
I have my finger on the order button, need to make a choice soon argh :gassy1:

Thanks man :woohoo1:

I sure hope she fattens up nicely too! Have a little calcium def i'm trying to fix but other then that shes good :thumbsup: Kind of went into slow mode right now but think thats from switching up my feeds for the cal bs,Just gave her a small taste of guano with todays feed so hope it kicks her ass in gear.