Seed Stockers Shumway Thin Mint Crack

Sure as hell hope this isn't a deficiency showing up already :cuss:

Day 3 and getting some red in it,Camera sucks for showing it but under the florescent i can see it clearly 5 feet or more away from the tent lol

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Decided it was time to move her over to her final resting place :evil1: Hopefully once those roots get a taste of all those yummy organic goodies in the new soil i should see a nice quick boom in growth :smokeit:

Soil - Root Farm hydro potting mix - peat moss, coco coir, aged softwood bark, perlite, worm castings, bat guano, feather meal, bone meal, blood meal, sulfate of potash, kelp meal, and volcanic ash.

Gaia Green - 4 tbsp per gallon @ 75% of 4-4-4 all purpose and 25% 2-8-4 bloom and if needed will give a top dressing later on in flowering :thumbsup:

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**Note to self! Remember to f**king ph your water!**

Day 11 and taking to the transplant ok i think even though i forgot and haven't been ph'ing my water at all since day 1 lol

Growth wise shes doing good but kind of looks like a page out of a 5yo's coloring book :rofl:

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