Lighting Show us how your hanging, cob frames and mounting.

i have kept my 200w cob light 36inch/3ft above my girl and still no real stretch just nice growth,these lights really are insanely intense


Really interesting thread this.

I've got a 4 x CLU048 3500k 200w kit coming in a couple of days and am trying to work out what sort of frame to make, and would really appreciate some ideas as I'm struggling :)

I have a 4 plant set up - all autos - when two new seedlings go in to the front half of the tent, the two plants in the back half are at half time / 5 weeks or so. So I want to concentrate the light at the back for the two in full flowering mode, and need less at the front for the two in veg/first 5 weeks of auto life. It's currently a bit crowded in there with first run and new beans just sprouted, so the proper 4 plant system will start in about 3 to 4 weeks once these ones are done and out of the tent.

So instead of having 4 cobs traditionally spaced, I was thinking of biasing 3 toward the back half of the tent, and one cob at the front for the 2 x veg plants.

So I could have 3 across the back half and one centred in the front half? Or one centred front, one totally central, and two above the rear half of the tent?

Also I would like each cob to be individually height adjustable within a limited range. That one is really hurting my stoned head trying to work out how to hang/mount!

How would you guys do it as I'm still only on my first grow with blurple at day 49 so very inexperienced. Quickly realised cobs were the way forward though :)

Any advice would be massively appreciated so thanks in advance :)


Flower Flower (Rear half of tent)

Veg Veg (Front half of tent)

Cob positions

Option A

0 0 (Rear half of tent)

0 0 (Front half of tent)​

Option B

0 0 0 (Rear)

0 (Front)​

Option C

0 0 (Rear)
0 (Central)
0 (Front)​

Thank you kind sir - don't suppose you have any pics of your set up easily at hand? Pureeeety please?

Do you think even spacing is the way to go even though flowering plants will be concentrated at the rear of the tent? Really appreciate your advice bud thanks
I only grow 2 at a time. Two single cobs over one and a converted light with 2 cibs in it over the other. I use a mars reflector 48x5 as secondary side lighting.