New Grower Short Stuff Gorilla OG coco grow with autopots

If I remember you got your lights up about as high as you can raise them? Do you have a fan blowing across the top of the canopy? Is the Taco on just the top of the canopy?

If none of those things help, I like your basic temperatures and humidity, I think I might suspect IR radiation from your light. I'm not sure what you could do about that other than maybe go to a lesser light schedule, but I don't think I would do that.

Where I'm currently growing
Where I'll be Nov 1st
Back in the day when I was using HPS I would always have the plant section that was under the middle of the light lower than the plant that was around exterior the light. The idea would be to grow in kind of a bowl shape. To do that you have to research your light and understand where it falls at the most intensity. That would probably solve your problem in the future.

If your worst tacoing leaves are directly below the center of your light I might just remove them and let the light penetrate further. I might also just super crop those tips to keep them lower.

Where I'm currently growing
Where I'll be Nov 1st
If I remember you got your lights up about as high as you can raise them? Do you have a fan blowing across the top of the canopy? Is the Taco on just the top of the canopy?

If none of those things help, I like your basic temperatures and humidity, I think I might suspect IR radiation from your light. I'm not sure what you could do about that other than maybe go to a lesser light schedule, but I don't think I would do that.

Thanks @jingo yep I can’t go any further

2 fans one aiming down from the back and 2nd blowing up at light from front

Do you think I should go dead straight across canopy?

Did wonder if too much fan wind could be causing any probs

Taco is present on top 1/3 lower down is fine

Where I'm currently growing
Where I'll be Nov 1st
Think - think i might of got to the bottom of it. The auto switch that brings the fan on was riding humidity rather than ambient temp. So it was coming on intermittently at 100 mph then off, on, off a lot. So levels were madly fluctuating - I'm guessing over time this can cause problems. Set now to constant at a low volume and already i think they look better. Another learn if so!

Changed the fans @jngo to the bouncer method, might upgrade those to oscillators in the future will see how i go.
We’re those leaves tacoing before you raised the light? How’s the new growth?

If the new growth is canoeing as well then honestly I don’t know what I’d do if you’ve maxed out light height.

However if the new growth is normal than I think your fine. Leaves that have started to taco(in my experience) don’t revert back to normal.

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We’re those leaves tacoing before you raised the light? How’s the new growth?

If the new growth is canoeing as well then honestly I don’t know what I’d do if you’ve maxed out light height.

However if the new growth is normal than I think your fine. Leaves that have started to taco(in my experience) don’t revert back to normal.

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Hi komplex yep new growth is showing a bit of canoe. I’ve also just ph’d up to 6.2. Thought I’d see if that does anything over next 24hrs.

If not can genetics also cause this kind of thing? and one thing I haven’t read much about is does it dramatically effect yield. Never had it before so new to me.

Think I was being more hopeful/stoned than realistic on my earlier inspection - no major change.

Due to last bit of stretch light is about 21 inches from canopy now which is pretty even - guy I buy from said it should be fine at 18 inches at this stage - never had any problems with same setups he’s previously sold.

I have got the LED panel on at same height - he thought that’d be fine as supplemental so have kept it on. Maybe take that out of the equation next.

Temp at leaf solid at 72. RH 62. All pretty text book, blown my mind - which doesn’t take much after some BB Kush!
Environment is spot on. As far as yield I don’t think it will affect it much. Leaf temps are perfect too.

What are the lights hanging on? Cable

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Only reason I ask is because when I was running cmh I had a similar problem. They light was hanging in ratchet hangers attached to steel cables. I went to the store and grabbed some key chain rings to replace the steel cables and it saved me a good 8in. Only down side is that you have to use 4 individual ratchet hangers.

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That’s a good shout @komplex180 , not chains but at least 4 inch long hangers fixed to reflector & ratchets - I’ll check that out.

I’ve knocked out the LED for now as well