heh heh, time fer the igorant to make em' selves known.
FPJ stands for..........?
FPJ stands for..........?
Fermented plant juice, some also call it fermented plant extracts. I do it with brown sugar, common to a recipe I saw here, but I use zero water. I rely only on the osmotic pressures of the brown sugar crystal, which acts as a sugar for the microbes (in what ever you use it in later) just as molasses would in a liquid tea.heh heh, time fer the igorant to make em' selves known.
FPJ stands for..........?
Also on the 1st page when I asked for personal insults to left else where.... I was talking about towards yourself too!!!heh heh, time fer the igorant to make em' selves known.
FPJ stands for..........?
C'mon now. If not for self deprecation I'd have next to nuthin' to say about meself (-;personal insults to left else where.... I was talking about towards yourself too!
C'mon now. If not for self deprecation I'd have next to nuthin' to say about meself (-;
Thanks for the insight into FPJ Fuggzy.
As with any specialized pursuit there are a slew of acronyms and initialisms and so on to learn. I'm gettin' there!
EWC tea, or earth worm casting tea is basically what is sounds like. It can be as basic as just letting casting sit in water for a few days stirring every few hours. That is its most basic form. Most people in the MJ community prefer to add aeration (air) to it.
Compost teas. It is basically the same as above, but made with compost instead. Again most people like to add air to it
ACT, & AACT. This stands for aerated compost tea, and actively aerated compost tea. When adding air to the above 2 teas, it becomes this. By adding aeration to your teas it increases the dissolved oxygen in the tea, and providing a better habitat for the microbes. The main benefit of added dissolved O2 is it keeps the tea from going anaerobic (bad, stagnant) and giving the microbes a good breeding condition. The main difference in these 2 are the amount of air used. Think home fish pump, versus a commercial air pump.
SST is for sprouted seed tea. This also has a few methods, but the basic method (what I do) is to grow some sprouts, and blend them into water. You can use just about any seed that sprout fast, but the most common are alfalfa, corn, and barley. You would grow them till they have about 1/2 inch tails and then make a slurry (blended in water). It is a more new method to me, so I can't offer much about it. I would rather you research it, than I give you wrong info. The reason people make SST is to harvest the enzymes in the forming plant.
Manure teas would be more along the lines of what you described above. I do use manure, but only in dry form. I have not ventured in to these yet. Maybe you could share how you would make it.
FPJ/FPE. This stands for Fermented plant juice, or FP Extract. There are a few ways to make it, and also what I was refering to in my previous post. It only contains plant mater, no animal shits. It would be vegan dish so to say. It does sount like the same method you spoke of though. Just add plant material to a bucket of water, and let it rot for about a month. The bad smell comes from the water becoming stagnant, and it is an anaerobic mixture.
Not a problem at all. Check back in tomorrow. I plan on making a FPJ from the heart of a banana flower. I'll take a bunch of pictures. This is by far my most favorite thing to make in my garden. Well the banana part, FPJ in general is fun too. The flower is one of the best smells I have encountered in nature.Copied and pasted to me notes, much appreciation!