Mephisto Genetics Seymourbud's Soapbox

A small update, not too much going on with the Stone Dragons right now. My earliest girl, she is at Day 35 and flowering. I think 4 others are at Day 20. All of these are getting MegaCrop at 3g/gallon with 1 gram of Sweet Candy. That leaves 3 smallest ones (1 at Day 20, and 2 at Day 16) getting fed MegaCrop at 2g/gallon and 1 gram of Sweet Candy. I have seen a sharp spike in growth since upping the MC on all of these gals. Thats not to say they will be giants, but their "slothlike" vertical growing speed can now be measured in days rather then weeks. I am hoping for all girls for this round, but have decided to keep males and let them donate their pollen before culling them. I believe the pollen I have left has probably lost most of it efficasy. However, since this run is all about meds for myself, I am keeping the breeding cab open (for the time being) so I can isolate the males if I have any. Now the picture (singular);

Well, looks like the ganja gods are not totally happy with me, out of 8 plants, 1 confirmed female and 3 confirmed males, 4 have not sexed yet. Although one plant (BX-2) who was slow to get going is now taking off and I think I can see the beginning of pollen sacs. So not wanting to waste this opportunity to mono-crop, I have dropped 3 more Stone Dragon seeds with the intemtion of having 4 female plants at a minimum producing bud/meds.

I also changed my mind and have culled all of the male plants. I have too many projects on the backburner not to get going because I am trying to collect pollen from SD. So out they went this morning. I am thinking of running some F1 auto-regs I have acquired, either Sweet Trainwreck (Sweet Seeds) x Black Dragon or Chemdog x Black Dragon in my breeding cabinet.
Hey everyone, Just starting backup up again with some Dragon gear, specifically Stone Dragon from Stone @portal that I made on the last run I did before I broke for summer.

Got a couple of girls, and seedlings, and maybe one that hasn't decided yet on m/f, but should by weekend close.

Here ya go:

Stone Dragon BX  - 8 - Day 30.jpg

Day 30 - still trying to make a decision, although the preflowers look to be female, yes!

Stone Dragon BX - 7 - Day 30.jpg

Day 30 female

Stone Dragon BX - 10-11-12 - Day 6 - (2).jpg

Some 6 day old seedlings.

Stone Dragon BX - 10-11-12 - Day 6.jpg

Some more 6 day old seedlings.

Stone Dragon BX - Day 51.jpg

Day 51 female, about 3 weeks into flowering

Stone Dragon Family - 8162019 - Family.jpg

The family at the moment. All Stone Dragons. Not looking to keep any males. Once we get all the SD sexed, I will start another couple of Mephisto, Portal, or Magic beans. These will be fems and this run will be purely for flower. The cabinet already has a good stink going, can't imagine what I will be smelling in another month or so. Going to take these girls to the point that we have 20-25% amber. These will be used as my private stash of sleep meds.
Wrote this in another thread about dragons, so wanted to update my own thread with the same information.

Just enough time to only feed/water plants and sleep when at home. I do feed daily, maybe once every 10 days I skip a day. They don't seem to be balking at the nutes I am giving them. I am using MegaCrop version 2.0 along with Sweet Candy (before heavy flowering stage) and Bud Explosion (Heavy Flowering stage to flush). I try to keep ph levels around 6.1-6.2, and the ppm around 500-550. They have shown no leaf tip burn or any other stress at this point. Smells at this stage are hard to pinpoint. Although they all seem to have something that is different then the others. My first girl is bushy, she is the oldest of three, has a distinct lemon scent to her, almost astringent. My 2nd girl is 3 weeks younger, been flowering for almost 2 weeks. She already is showing dark purple below her pistils. She seem bushy as well, but a bit more squat then the first. A bit more subtle citrusy smell, with a bit of berry sweetness. The third girl is also 3 weeks younger then the first girl. She is very different is appearance. You can see all her nodes, no need to push leaves aside. She has a very open structure. Both the wife and I did the smell testing and this was the last one we "sniffed". We were both turned off by this one after the first two. There is the common lemon/citrus, and maybe a bit of skunkiness. But it all fades to something that is off-putting, almost rotten. Very strange indeed, but they are early in flower so they can change, we shall see. Getting excited at the prospects. Still got four seedlings that haven't sexed, so not closing the door on this one just yet.
I only tested one with the idea of trashing it as soon as I found out if they were viable seeds, or not. Well, I couldn't do it. Couldn't just toss it, so I hid it outside amongst my other plants that needed watering.

Brilliant, I do exactly the same. The debate with myself about whether it dies or not can get quite lively. Same with extra cuttings I have rooted.
An update on the Stone Dragons. My oldest girl is right at 63 days, 9 weeks. Starting to show a bit of burn from the nutes, but I am going to keep her steady until the end. Using MegaCrop v2.0 with Bud explosion in RO water. Ph is always between 6.0 and 6.3, and ppm is averaging 535. Did a bit of defoliation today trying to let some air get under her "skirt", and allow some lesser bud to get better light. She was my throw away because she was only germed to test germ rates. I couldn't toss her even though a week long vacation was coming up. Fast forward to today, and she is going to be a good provider of meds as I expect 30-35 grams from this girl.

Stone Dragon BX - Day 63 - (2).jpg
Stone Dragon BX - Day 63 - (3).jpg
Stone Dragon BX - Day 63 - (4).jpg
Stone Dragon BX - Day 63 - (5).jpg
Stone Dragon BX - Day 63 - (6).jpg
Stone Dragon BX - Day 63.jpg
This is my purple version of Stone Dragon. She has been showing her coloring since the beginning of flowering. I did a slight defoliation on her, and did some LST to open her up. She is right at week 6, day 42. I am most excited about this girl for potential meds. Long way to go for her, so fingers crossed. Her feed levels are the same as the previous Stone Dragon.

Stone Dragon BX - 7 - Day 42 - (2).jpg
Stone Dragon BX - 7 - Day 42 - (3).jpg
Stone Dragon BX - 7 - Day 42 - (4).jpg
Stone Dragon BX - 7 - Day 42 - (5).jpg
Stone Dragon BX - 7 - Day 42.jpg
The last flowering Stone Dragon is a bit different then the previous two. First off, she is not as squat and bushy. She has a more open structure. She is also at week 6, day 42. Her other main difference is her aroma. There is something after the initial smell that is offensive. Just can't put my finger on it yet. She is getting the same feed levels as the previous 2 Stone Dragons.

Stone Dragon BX  - 8 - Day 42 - (2).jpg
Stone Dragon BX  - 8 - Day 42 - (3).jpg
Stone Dragon BX  - 8 - Day 42 - (4).jpg
Stone Dragon BX  - 8 - Day 42 - (5).jpg
Stone Dragon BX  - 8 - Day 42.jpg
These are the final 4 Stone Dragons I started looking for females. I wanted 4-6 females, so at a minimum I would like one of these to be a female. There is a runt in the bunch, I won't have to point it out as it is obvious. One of these is at day 26, the others are at day 18. Based on the previous flowering dates of my other starts, flowering for these has begun between day 29-32. So I should have word on one them within the week!

Stone Dragon BX - 9 - Day 26 - (bottom) .jpg
Stone Dragon BX - 11 - Day 18.jpg
Stone Dragon BX - 12 - Day 18.jpg