Mephisto Genetics Seymourbud's Soapbox

Thanks @MrOldBoy and @FishWizard . She was definitely a pleasure to grow. And she did show off a bit at the end with her colors. Good genetics, good nutes, and good lights, and sometimes you just need to step aside and don't F it up.
Last girl of the late spring grow session.

HubbaBubbaSmelloscope - Chop Day - Day 85

Another easy growin' gal. Long thin cola's galore. Very spicy aroma, not much bubblegum to speak of, if any. Quite a bit of underdeveloped lower growth, but based on the wet weight of the upper trimmed buds, so what! 3 gallon airpot produced 324 grams of solid trimmed wet buds. Probably another 10-16 grams of wet untrimmed popcorn buds. Very good producer, I could have maximized it by doing a bit of training, but I like to let them grow naturally the first time I grow them to see what there about. Very happy with aroma and production of this gal. The looks of the bud are nothing special, not a ton of frost, not particularly fat colas, but a solid yielding plant that doesn't give you any trouble. Now to pictures...

HBSS - Chop Day - Day 85 - (2).jpg
HBSS - Chop Day - Day 85 - (3).jpg
HBSS - Chop Day - Day 85 - (4).jpg
HBSS - Chop Day - Day 85 - (5).jpg
HBSS - Chop Day - Day 85 - (6).jpg
HBSS - Chop Day - Day 85 - (7).jpg
HBSS - Chop Day - Day 85 - (8).jpg
HBSS - Chop Day - Day 85 - (9).jpg
HBSS - Chop Day - Day 85.jpg
Been a bit, and just realized that I might not have given final dry weight numbers for the harvested ladies from May and June.

24 Carat - 42.0 grams
Bluestone - 52.0 grams
Deez Nuggets - 52.0 grams
Hubbabubbasmellascope - 78.0 grams
Daywrecker (pheno 2) - 74.0 grams

Total - 10.6 ounces of cured fire

In addition, I got the following from popcorn buds and buds that were broken up while looking for seeds.

de-seeded Stone Dragon flower 18.0
de-seeded Sweet & Sour flower 14.0
de-seeded Blue Toof Special 26.0
de-seeded Gold Glue 12.0
de-seeded 24 Carat 23.0
popcorn bud HBSS 5.0
popcorn bud Deez 8.0

Total - 3.8 ounces of lesser quality crumbles and smallish buds. I will probably decarb this and use it in some sort of caps either alone or with oil/butter. Just not sure yet.
Enough of the summer layoff, it's seed dropping time. On June 27th, I ran my first viability test on my recently made Stone Dragon x Stone Dragon seeds. I only tested one with the idea of trashing it as soon as I found out if they were viable seeds, or not. Well, I couldn't do it. Couldn't just toss it, so I hid it outside amongst my other plants that needed watering while I was vacationing, and let my neighbor take care of it. She survived, and has since been brought inside to its own autocob. But to keep her company, 5 more SD x SD seeds were started. My goal for this round is bud, pure and simple. No males will be kept. Hoping for at least 50% female, would be thrilled with more!

Using the seedcracker again. Seeds are cracked, then into h2o + h2o2 mixture for 18-24 hours. They just left the water and they all show signs of tails wanting to emerge, so another good sign of both vigor and viability. They were all placed in root riot cubes with then under plastics domes that have been measured to be 83dgf. Hoping for sprouts by this time tomorrow morning.
5 more SD x SD seeds have popped and all seeds have proven to be viable! That is 6 of 6!!! All sd x sd seeds in rapid rooter have been placed into 1 gallon tall pots with domes for now. Looks like I have 6 plants (all sd x sd) going for now. Hoping for a bunch of ladies. A gaggle of gals.
So happy you are keeping these dragons going! I don’t think Stone was going to reproduce and SD is a great breeding tool. @Seymourbud , hoping you get some great ladies from this germ.
Thanks @BCBudlady , had too much free time at work today, so I started to change my upcoming grow a bit. I have enough bud right now curing, so I decided to drop 3-4 more SD seeds this week to try and find a good breeding couple to make some more seeds. Not sure what the fillial generation will be. These will all be males and females from my last breeding of the seeds stone sent me. Maybe bx2, since the first round (seeds sent from stone) would have been bx1? Maybe someone can chime in a straighten me out.
I have started 12 Stone Dragon seeds that I made from my last seed run of Stone Dragon in March 2019.

I tried two different methods of starting seeds; first one just putting seeds into an 82dgf Root Riot cube with a dome to keep humidity up and the 2nd method involved using a seedcracker, then a 24 soak of mixture RO water with H2O2, then into Root Riot cubes. 10 for 10 with the soaking, 0 for 2 with placing them straight into RRcube. Then I damaged one of the taproots, it stalled and has done nothing in the last week. So my preferred method of starting starting seeds, I called the crack and soak method, has shown 9 out of 10 SD seeds as viable. I am stoked with those numbers!

My first viability test that I did and was successful, I put outside when I was on vacation, is now starting to flower at Day 31. She is a bit small-ish, but she has nice structure. Every other seedling has a ways to go. They are getting handwatered 2gr MCv2.0 and 1gr Sweet Candy / gallon of RO water every other day Once I am able to separate out the males and make some room, I am going to start a Mephisto seed or two. Right now I am leaning towards Creme Stomper and Jammy Dodgers and Forum Stomper. Fall harvest is right around the corner!!!
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