Mephisto Genetics Seymourbud's Soapbox

Thanks @nicojellic and @Dabber . They are not as big and bushy as some of the Mephisto strains I have become used to, but from the limited taste I have had from some bud that came from a seed run, she is exactly the type of meds I need in my cabinet at all times. I am hoping for 2-3 zips when all is said and done, got three girls now, hoping for a fourth. That should get me where I want and need to go. On a more downer note, been struggling trying to germ some relatively new seed. Currently have a Creme Stomper just started, but have had no luck with 2 fems from Magic Bean Company - BlkMrrr x Grape Crinkle x Tyrone Stomper. Got two more going right now in rockwool cubes, obviously hoping for a different outcome. I have started back at it again, just don't have the same vigor that I once had. These days, work has been kicking my ass. Things run in cycles, so this too will change, I guess.:coffee2:
Lovely SD @Seymourbud ! Looking to here your thoughts on the SDxBT cross and sleep/pain management. Hoping you get some Magic to germ.
Thanks @BCBudlady , the SD are beautiful plants with some interesting phenotypes, Since I did a sort of open pollination when I was chucking, I guess I will get a chance to look through some of what there is to offer with this line.

The SDxBT cross, along with the SDxGold Glue and SDx24CT will most likely be the in the next several runs. I too can't wait to see what kind of sleep magic they might have produced. Although the GG does not give me the same type of knockout punch that I get from BTS, 24CT, and SNPP. Right now they are in a class of their own IMO.

As for the Magic beans, only need one to germ to create some Magic. But sure would be a lot nicer if I didn't have to go through so many to find that one!
Good new Tuesday!

Looks like I have a fourth female Stone Dragon. She show her lady bits positively this morning. She was a bit later then the others at day 39 rather then 30-31 days for the others, but not complaining. It also looks like the early indications for the next two Stone Dragon plants that are about to show their sex (minus the runt), they might be female as well. That would give me a total of six (6) female SD plants. This should produce a big enough crop of medicine to keep me happy for some time.

And the other piece of good news is that I finally have a seedling from the Magic Beans - BlkMrrr x Grape Crinkle x Tyrone Stomper. these are auto fem seeds as well. It took 7 days to produce a seedling which I know is not an outrageous amount of time, but I am used to Mephisto Genetics beans popping in 2-3 days! But I am still happy, so I will keep good thoughts for the other two BlkMrrr x Grape Crinkle x Tyrone Stomper I started in Rockwool cubes.

Final update on the day, the Creme Stomper that popped has stalled a bit. It is day 9 and she looks like day 1. I will stay the course but I am getting a bit concerned. Had great hopes for this one from the other Mephheads who had previously run it. Time will tell.
Good new Tuesday!

Looks like I have a fourth female Stone Dragon. She show her lady bits positively this morning. She was a bit later then the others at day 39 rather then 30-31 days for the others, but not complaining. It also looks like the early indications for the next two Stone Dragon plants that are about to show their sex (minus the runt), they might be female as well. That would give me a total of six (6) female SD plants. This should produce a big enough crop of medicine to keep me happy for some time.

And the other piece of good news is that I finally have a seedling from the Magic Beans - BlkMrrr x Grape Crinkle x Tyrone Stomper. these are auto fem seeds as well. It took 7 days to produce a seedling which I know is not an outrageous amount of time, but I am used to Mephisto Genetics beans popping in 2-3 days! But I am still happy, so I will keep good thoughts for the other two BlkMrrr x Grape Crinkle x Tyrone Stomper I started in Rockwool cubes.

Final update on the day, the Creme Stomper that popped has stalled a bit. It is day 9 and she looks like day 1. I will stay the course but I am getting a bit concerned. Had great hopes for this one from the other Mephheads who had previously run it. Time will tell.
Stick with the CS @Seymourbud , she is one of, if not the frostiest and most fragrant, colorful plants I’ve grown. She did the CDLC fall fade too.
Thanks for the nice words @water farm, I am looking forward to your fall grow as there are quite a few thing you have scheduled to grow that I do not have, yet! :yeah:

Now for some more good news from my current grow, I have been able to germinate 3 of 4 of the Magic Beans - BlkMrrr x Grape Crinkle x Tyrone Stomper. The only change I made, and I guess it was significant enough to mention, is that I moved the germinating from one cabinet at 84dgf (constant) to another cabinet at 77dgf (constant). That's a big enough difference that I believe it could have played a part in my failed germinations. Where I used to germinate, and I can't use it anymore for various reasons, it was 80dgf-83dgf and I had a very good rate of success. Thats why I wasn't bothered by the 84dgf when I saw it. BUT, that is the only change I have made to my method, so I am going to have to call that culprit until I find a better reason.

Also, 2 more Stone Dragons have shown their lady bits as of this morning. They showed the sex at day 33, which is right inline with others (days 29 to day 39). That will make a total of 6 ladies and will most definitely push me past my goal of obtaining 4 ounces of meds for this run. I only will need to harvest 20 grams/plant to reach that goal, and while they are not very big plants, 20 grams/plant should be doable! Still one plant to go, the one that was stunted and self topped. She also is at day 33 and no sign of sex yet.

Pictures maybe this weekend!
A bit of an update, the last plant still hasn't decided if it wants to a male or female. I am hoping for 7 females as that would be an excellent crop of nighttime meds.
I am going to take the first lady, currently at 83 days, until 95-100 days as I remember reading that SD gets a bit of a "narcotic-like" high as you let the buds age appropriately. Seemed to me that I remember that age being around 100 days, but I will rely on the scope and try to NOT let her get past 30% amber.

All the plants seem to be having some trouble of late. I think my issues are around, to low cobs + too many cobs + no additional CalMag. My solution is to reduce MegaCrop to 2 grams/gallon from 3 grams/gallon. Remove the Bud Explosion (Greenleaf Solutions P/K supplement) and add 1.5ml of liquid CalMagic from GH until I see a stop in the leaf problems. Also cobs have been raised 6-8" and I shut one down completely. Temps in the cab are constant 79dgf with the 5 cobs, and rh is about 46%. So I think the environment, while not perfect, is good enough to get them to the finish line.

Even though it seemed as though I had a purple flower SD, they all seem to have developed purple hueing on the sugar leaves and buds to the point that I can't tell them apart without looking at the tags. It seems to have happened overb the last few weeks, so I expect the newly flowering ones to do the same within a couple weeks. May be the influence of the Black Dragon, not sure. Pictures to come in the next 24 hours.
Picture time, getting close with the first Stone Dragon girl...

Day 84

Stone Dragon BX - Day 84 - (2).jpg
Stone Dragon BX - Day 84 - (3).jpg
Stone Dragon BX - Day 84 - (4).jpg
Stone Dragon BX - Day 84.jpg

Day 63 for this gal...

Stone Dragon BX - 7 - Day 63 - (2).jpg
Stone Dragon BX - 7 - Day 63 - (3).jpg
Stone Dragon BX - 7 - Day 63 - (4).jpg
Stone Dragon BX - 7 - Day 63.jpg