New Grower Sexing regular seed's myth or fact?

For what it's worth I just went and looked at my 3 remaining feminized Short Rider seeds from Nirvana and all of them have the volcano described in the video, so that's some pretty strong circumstantial evidence. Thanks for the great info! Grow well, be happy!
If this was a viable solution breeders would be using this method instead of silver reversal to make males for breeding to make female seeds. This "idea" has been around for a long time and is nothing more than a myth much like people who think a seed that floats in water won't germinate, or seeds with stripes will grow more buds blah blah blah...
You may be right HotBunz, but... It`s always good t`see first hand testing though, imo. If folks want t`try it then, I will be more than happy t`follow the test and look forward to different folks results! It`s all part of the `game`! :pass: