New Grower Sexing regular seed's myth or fact?

I got 4 straight males going for a female cheesus dragon or a evol : "stoopid" female... the last seed I popped (#5) I used this method .... it's 10 days old now well see here shortly
sorry Charlie but my luck kicked in, with that being said....there is nothing I can contribute to this myth or fact...
what newb has two thumbs, and twice as much bad luck?????? this guy....
All of my fem seeds look exactly like my regular seeds. Might have to throw in my regs and see if I get all females
@GoAuto6 i have a theory if you don't mind me sharing. With reg beans watch the first set of leaves when the beans pop. My theory is
Females: are sharper more straight leaves
Makes: smoother more round leaves

Here is an example


Interesting theory Magic, is this an observation only or have you empirical evidence? I suggest a survey over time, perhaps six months. It could be a thread where folks place pics of their seedlings and the sex of the plant when it shows on the plant.