Outdoor Seeking suggestions for an outdoor (super) auto garden (gets great sun!)


Put it in the SUN

Hello everybody,

I'm new here. I'm a humboldt farmer and I want to experiment with autos this year. Mainly I want to get a harvest in around the beginning of august. Space, water and sun are not at issue as I have plently of them. I will be planting in 25 or 35 gallon pots (the cloth kind, here we have a brand called smart pots).
what I'm asking everyone here is their advice on their favorite producers. I would like to get the tallest plants, with the most nodes/branching but are 100 percent garanteed AF. I want them to finish before mid august (I can keep them in a greenhouse in april/may). I have been looking to Stitch's super autos. They look promising for what i'm going to do, however I would like to know a little bit more about their lineage w/o giving away trade secrets.
Is there any AFs out that that are comparable to his super autos?
What size pots (25 gallons? 35?)
The time listed for AFs, is that germination to finish?
I might do a few strains, just to test which would be best for my gardens conditions: excellent/full sun, spring water, big pots, starts in greenhouse 1st before moving into full sun when it gets hotter.
What would you want to grow outdoors if space/sun/water wasn't an issue.

thanks in advance for y'alls help
Welcome to AFN!!! lucky you in Humboldt!

Stitches autos should be good... also LBH's Asian Haze and Samurai Jack are also very nice and get huge... I believe they are 12-16 weeks... yes times listed for autos are typically from seed drop to finished bud...

god, I'd love to try growing an auto in a 25 or 35 gallon pot!!! I'll bett you could blow down auto records with that setup!

:smokebuds: again, welcome and I'm sure others will chime in with advice as well
Sun I wish I had your set up too!! Autos have their own charm. I am sure everyone would love to watch your grow thread.
I'm definately going to do a journal, I'll be meticulously documenting everything because outdoor autoflowers is a new thing here, nobody is doing it as far as I know. Besides my site, I got a friend interested in trying them out, another garden down the hill. Slightly different conditions than me as they are on the north side of a hill, Good sun from may-late aug, but after that, it dwindles. Their stuff didnt finish well last season, and AFs could be very promising to them.
outdoor autoflowers is a new thing here, nobody is doing it as far as I know.

They Love outdoor..I grow outdoor all year round...often on less than 10 hours natural light...

Good Luck....:thumbs:...you will Love them..

Wiz did you use epsom salts on that plant? It's sooooooo green!
Sun, good luck mate, I wish my plants could have some of that lovely Cali' sun (and me for that matter), I've only got good thing to say about Stitch's seeds, haven't tried super autos at all yet but will be this summer
I grew some of Stitch's Super Cali Haze outdoors last summer. In 10 gallon pots I averaged about 4.5 oz. per plant. Start to finish they took about 19 weeks. They reached about 5' in height with well formed colas. By harvest time all the fan leaves had died off and they ended up being very easy to trim and manicure. I've also got some of LBHs Samurai Jacks going indoors right now. In 4.5 gallon pots the are about 40" tall at 13 weeks and are looking like they will yield 3-4 oz. each. IMO they are a little too big for indoors but should do well outdoors.
I grew some of Stitch's Super Cali Haze outdoors last summer. In 10 gallon pots I averaged about 4.5 oz. per plant. .

Do you think they will get bigger/taller (yield more) in 25 or 35 gallon pots (or after 25 it doesnt matter). Space isnt that much of an issue, niether is water or fertilizer. I just really want to make sure that they will finish in mid aug (so they can be cured and dried before the photosenstives need to be harvested and dried).

Also I just came across dutch passions "think different" strain. They say that Think Different’ is a heavy yielding AutoFem strain, it gives strong homogenous plants typically 1-1.5m tall that can occasionally yield 250-300g per plant under optimum conditions.http://www.dutch-passion.nl/en/seeds/product/think-different/

When they say "occassionally" what does that mean. I think my garden has pretty optimum sun, but given that does occasionnally mean it's up to chance after that?
Its mostly up to an extraordinary environment and care... Lots of space for the plant to grow, good nutrients and light, etc. In my humble opinion you should expect less yield than 250g... But I do not have any experience with this strain myself as it is pretty new...

check out seymores Think Different LED grow for the near optimum conditions:



nineweeks 250w organic soil indoor grow:


also 35 gallon pots sound like a overkill to me for most Autoflowers... maybe if you put two or three in a 35 gallon bed... But again never tried it out... If you do please share your experience here!
I think you'll reach a point of diminishing return with the pot size. Off the top of my head, I can't think of anyone else that has grown them in pots, let along bigger ones, except for me. The 10 gallon size suggestion came right from the breeder, Stitch. If you're planning on growing them again in the future you might want to try a couple different sizes and see which does best.

The main reason they say they will occasionally give those yields is mainly due to the different phenotypes. Autos, especially the super autos, are still relatively new and not fully stabilized. A nice bush pheno will yield significantly more than the single cola pheno. I had a couple of what might be considered runts. They got about 24 - 30" tall and yielded around 2.5 - 3 oz., compared to the bigger ones that averaged about 4.5 oz. each.

Just checked my notes from last year, mine took 19 weeks to finish. Might have been able to take them a week or two sooner but I was also harvesting my photos at the same time and they had to wait their turn.

Do you think they will get bigger/taller (yield more) in 25 or 35 gallon pots (or after 25 it doesnt matter). Space isnt that much of an issue, niether is water or fertilizer. I just really want to make sure that they will finish in mid aug (so they can be cured and dried before the photosenstives need to be harvested and dried).

Also I just came across dutch passions "think different" strain. They say that Think Different’ is a heavy yielding AutoFem strain, it gives strong homogenous plants typically 1-1.5m tall that can occasionally yield 250-300g per plant under optimum conditions.http://www.dutch-passion.nl/en/seeds/product/think-different/

When they say "occassionally" what does that mean. I think my garden has pretty optimum sun, but given that does occasionnally mean it's up to chance after that?