Grow Mediums Seedling problems help please

Nov 10, 2018
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So I have had the last 6-8 seedling die. I was using Rockwool first and I thought they were staying too wet and drowning. The leaves would start to yellow and wrinkle but never got brittle and crispy after transferring to hydroton in my dwc. So I switched to rapid rooter and had the same issue. The pic below I started in a rapid rooter then carefully took the seedling out of the rooter and planted into hydroton and and still having the same issue. Although with the pic roots are still growing. Any idea what I’m doing wrong? I’ve tried keeping water level right at the net pit and about an inch below with the same results. I have lots of bubbles popping in my dwc which wets majority of my baskets with hydroton, tried lowing my air pump for less bubbles with same results as well
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whats in the water? and what pH is your water? Are you using plain water or nutes? And what light, and what distance from the plants?
Without knowing what you are doing to water my guess would be in the water. That young i run straight tap water and hydroguard only then add nutes with second set of branches. But only minor feeding will be needed. Your main concern right now is establishing roots. If you transplanted you will see issues like this until they get established. I run water 1/16 of inch below pot then drop 1 inch after 3 to 4 sets.
Light is HLG 135 at about 30 inches. Using RO water ph 6.0 with only hydro guard. Temps 77-80 with 50-60% humidity. Pic show is one week from sprout. All my seedlings have come out like this recently. Yellow/wrinkles but still slowly growing roots. No growth up top though
I have never seen a seedling do that without it being pH related or lights too close. I'm tempted to have you calibrate and recheck pH, but I think COB's need to be farther away too, like 40 or more inches. It's most likely one of those two things.
I stopped reading at "took the seedling out the rapid rooter" why on earth are you doing that lol. You been taking them out the rock wools too?
Rr are the easiest way to start plants mate. They come wet enough so just chuck the seed in and leave it anywhere other than the fridge and they'll work.
Just tap water till they start going yellow around day 5. Mines is ph7.4 and it keeps em sweet no worries.
After that it's a week on 100ppm then upto about quarter strength once the roots are building up in the res.
Keep them moist but not wet and don't let me dry out if they dry they die.
No I only removed the last one from the rooter. The rest stayed in rockwool or rooter. I removed it from the rooter cause I was planning to stick it in a collar and aero cloner but decided to just plant it in hydroton without rw/rr. Since, I’m assuming they’re drowning, in the rw I tried the rr. That didn’t look any different so I tried to go without both as a test. For the rooter they still looked moist but when I pressed/squeezed it slightly no excess water dropped out although I could see some surface. Nonetheless I’ve been having same problem all ways
Don't take this the wrong way but I think a lot of the problem is the constant change of environment. When running hydro the first 3 weeks is almost a dead stall until roots build up. If i were you I'd drop all i had going in some dirt. Then try again only this time place seed in your choice of cube cause both are good then leave it be with straight water for minimum of two weeks. If humidity is low make a dome for them. But don't move them or mess with them. They grow best with little to no effort.
Have you been top watering them daily? Until you have a sufficient amount of roots I find it very helpful to pour a couple cups of water from the res over the plants daily. You also want your roots submerged in solution. I keep my clones in the cloner until the roots are at least a foot long. Then I swirl them around the bottom of the net pot and set the water level 1/2" above the bottom. When growing from seed I start them in 3" rockwood cubes and keep them under a veg light until the roots are protruding from the rockwood several inches. My net pots have raised centers and when they are ready to go into the system, set the rockwood cube on the raised center with the roots hanging down below. I then set my water level to 1/2" below the top of the raised center, which allows the roots to be in solution but not the rockwool. As the root ball grows I lower the water level until it's slightly below the bottom of the net pot.
Okay so here’s another try with the same result. Germed a seed then dropped in rockwool, left in humidity dome under led light. Then after some roots showed through the bottom of rockwool I transferred into 3.75in net pot with maybe .5-1 inch layer of hydroton. Had water touching bottom of the net pot with air stone underneath. Sprouted fine then I didn’t see much growth although roots are growing. Then it started to look like the the pics attached. Have no idea what I’m doing wrong, my first grow was the same setup except I used 6in net pots and it was a fantastic harvest imo. Temp is around 78 and humidity about 40-55% using RO water and hydro guard, no nutes, hlg 135 at about 30 inches. I only hand water around the rockwool unless it seems/feels pretty dry which isn’t often. Any other input is greatly appreciated
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