New Grower Seedling Growth Stunted

Thanks! So you only water every 2-3 days when you have seedlings? I've been doing a three day cycle, two wet and one dry, obviously no feeding yet. Yeah, I've been trying to water to the locality of the roots for now, I'll try the root training techniques!
Hey guys, photo updates!

Day 4 - Nirvana Random Freebie:

Day 10 - Short Rider with fused cotyledons and 1 primary true leaf

Here's a closer look of new growth. I'm still concerned about this one..

Day 4 - Short Rider; the flash makes it look slightly more yellow than it actually is, but it is sort of yellowish..
They look good ... that deformed one should catch up in a couple weeks ... :Aloha:
Cool! The one with the big leave looks like one of tose crabs. Good looking germlings.
As stated above I think the deformed one should straighten out in the next week or two and you wont even be able to tell it started out a little wierd. Sending great grow Karma your way
Man, I can't believe that I'm actually making this happen. It was one of my life goals to grow my own smoke, but I thought it wouldn't be for a while... Thanks for all of the support, grow-bros. I hope you follow along with my journey!
Just bought an air-cooled hood, hopefully it'll help stabilize the temperature. Haven't been home for 2 days, I'm excited to go see the growth! Will post pics tomorrow
Freshly stoned and took some pictures to share my babies with you guys! :stylez rasta smoke:These photos were taken under MH light, so the color is a bit distorted. I'm currently on a 24/0 light schedule. When do you guys think I should reduce it to a 20/4 or 18/6?

Day 9 - Nirvana Short Rider:

Day 15 - Nirvana Short Rider with the fused cotyledon. It's starting to look better! I staked one of the secondary fan leaves down as it was interfering with the growth of the new fan leaves. The growth direction is finally uniform and I think it will catch up quickly!

Day 9 - Nirvana Freebie Seed. It's looking a bit funky, but I think it's just from a nute burn from the FFOF. She'll (hopefully a she) recover soon I think.

Day 20ish - Bagseed. The stems are looking nice and purp, and the leaves and internodal length are clear indicators that it's a heavy indica strain

I've been waiting to feed the bagseed indica so that I can just keep it on the same schedule as the autos and Nirvana rando. Simplicity is getting the best of me. When do you guys think it would be best to start on a weak fish emulsion feed?

Thanks for staying tuned or checking in for the first time; it's really nice being able to get your advice and support! "AFN smoke out"
After looking over the progress, it all looks like it's going pretty slow. Anyone have any advice? It's been at 81*F at 200W MH (50% on my 400W) on a 24/0 schedule. I switched them over to 300W yesterday after I bought an air-cooled hood. It's in 3:1 FFOF - Perlite mix in 3 gal containers. No nutes yet! I water about every other day with 6.5 pH water
Don't worry mine were going slow too! and the they started growing explosively since day 22.:Growing: