New Grower Seedling Growth Stunted

Nirvana Short Riders are very stable plants ... I grew a pair last year and they were unkillable and a damned fine smoke ...

Did you journal about it? Or have any photos? How did you feed them?

I had a Seedsman WW do the EXACT same thing, it took a few weeks to come around and was a little stunted at first but no worries...

Really? Glad I'm not the only one around here who's seen it. Any tips? -Also, welcome to AFN!!
No journal but here's a couple Short Rider pics at 18 days ....

In my last short rider grow one of the seedlings had a tough time shedding it's shell ... I tried everything including pinching the top between my fingers as tight as I could ... needless to say it was a little setback but it caught up to it's sisters by the end of three weeks ... Here's a link to that grow ...
Looks like its just a messed up seed. It will probably kick ass in a few weeks. Give it time. One thing I thought is that 300w of MH is a lot of light for babies. 50w of cfl would do just fine at this stage of the game.
Do not worry about how that seedling looks....everyone freaks out during their first grow ....weird leaves in the beggining means nothing. And its impossible to tell at this stage if it is stunted. On my last grow and my current one....the smallest...shitty-set looking seedling turned out to be my tallest plants in each grow. Everything will be fine.....dont over water.

I concur.

I've had plenty of photo seedlings start off weird like this.
I had a Silver Haze #9 only grow 1 cotyledon, then only 1 true leaf. She ended up over 7 feet tall and taking up half my old grow room. She also had an early root rot issue too.
Just shows you - they bounce back.
I'll bet the next set of leaves is fine.
Thanks everyone. Also, Sunny, I have it over a foot away to reduce to available light actually reaching the seedlings. Secondly, the hood is on 50% right now (200W) until I can upgrade to an air-cooled hood next week! Hopefully they'll be able to take the increased rays by then :smoke:
Wow, the growth since last night is surprising! They popped right up and are chugging along. I'll post some photos later
Updates with photos!

This Short Rider popped yesterday and has grown a lot in the last 24h! Watered with 6.5 pH water.

This is the seedling that popped nearly 6 days ago, the one with the fused cotyledons. We will see where it ends up... Same 6.5 pH water.

This is the rando Nirvana seed. Not sure what it'll be, but it's also 24h since it popped out! 6.5 pH water

I know I'm supposed to water all the way to the outside of the container, but I felt like it was okay for how small they were that I didn't today.
When watering seedlings I'm more concerned w/ leading the roots down than out ... I try to give them enough plain water, 1/4 - 1/2 cup, to where the water will run nearly to the bottom of the pot so that the tap root will follow the water ... that watering is usually 1.5" to 2" from the stem all the way around ... have to be careful not to water too much cause you're not looking for soggy soil ... in a few days, when I water again I'll use about twice as much water and this one I'll pour in a spiral around the stem about 1/2 the distance to the edge of the pot ... training the roots is not only very important, it's about the only thing you can do w/ a seedling to keep from going nuts waiting for it to grow ...