DIY Seed collectors-How do you store your seeds?

Mine stay in their original envelopes. Those go into a black poly mailer that goes in a large mason jar in the fridge. They’re not very organized though. Just bunged in there.
Haha I have done the exact same thing. I am thinking about the rice thing tho.
I use the plastic food bins with gaskets with mylar packets With silica packets to keep them dry. So I have a mephisto/nightowl bin , a mosca bin, a twisted tree sofem bin. A fastbuds bin, and two with the rest. All seeds are put in centrifuge tubes once pack is opened that seal and are labeled with a labelmaker. Tonight I was getting ready to drop seeds and could not find my new Nightowl from Halloween. I had left them in the drawer with the stickers. I was freakin out.
Sounds like something I would do smh.
I store purchased seeds inside a pencil box located in the freezer in whatever packaging they arrived with. Stored this way 99.9% of seeds germinate without problems

Just recently germinated 1.5 year old seeds I made by crossing auto ducksfoot that were not stored any special way. Just in the bud inside a gallon plastic baggy which was then put in a sealed 5 gallon bucket stored in the grow room. Most of the seeds sprouted but took an extra couple days to germinate when compared to freezer seeds.