New Grower Second grow, first journal. 2x Blue Kush Auto - Dinafem

End of day 19 update...

Hi all,

Got my Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow in the post today, plants had their first feed of earlier.
Gave them half the recommend amount in 1200ml of water each, water amount been increasing by 100ml or so each time (watering approx every 24hrs).

Plan is to feed every second day in between waterings up until week 5, will increase feed by 1ml a week, if no signs of nutrient burn at the leaf tips.

Prior to Sensi Grow plants had two feeds of natural all purpose seaweed liquid feed, at half the recommend dose for seedlings.

Seaweed product is what I'll use for flowering stage (went well previous grow) happy with the NPK values and trace elements, is a natural product and along with a good flush in the latter stages will lead to a good quality smoke hopefully.

IMG_20190728_164251.jpg IMG_20190728_164227.jpg
LST been going well, using bend back clips and plastic coated wires and twine to tie down main stems and leaf, don't want to defoliate till week 4 or so.

Taken before some adjusting of LST

Hope to encourage bushy plants with LST and not Christmas tree shape, with just a few days training happy with results so far.



Journal going a week now, thanks to all those for looking in...
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Day 21 drawing to a close here, plants had a feed (Sensi Grow) in 1.5 litres of water each today at half the recommend strength, prior to that they were last fed/watered 48 hrs earlier, plants showed no sign of water stress.

Going to chance feeding at every watering, (keeping an eye on leaf tips for nute burn) will probably be flowering in week from now.

Otherwise all good, some daily tieing down of main stem and leaf tucking/rolling..


End of day 23 update, plants had another feed/watering just now 56 hrs after last, 70% recommended strength in 1.5ltrs of water each.

Gotta love Autoflowers two pics taken a week apart


End of day 25 update plants and LST going well so far, got bit of leaf droop after last 1.5 litre feed/watering, no water since

