New Grower Second grow, first journal. 2x Blue Kush Auto - Dinafem

Jul 27, 2019
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Hi all,

Firstly I'm a novice, this is my second auto grow, have experience of growing but not weed.

I don't have a fancy setup, a small tent in my attic and currently battling high daytime temps (list of my kit to follow).

I'm currently day 12 into my second Dinafem grow, previously grew Haze 2.0 ( more on that to follow maybe ) Dinafem trusted auto breeder and have been more than happy with their seeds + delivery so far .

If my journal resonates with anyone thinking of growing, novice growers or anyone thinking of growing this strain great.

Finally, just like to add majority of my kit purchased from Amazon and when everything added up tent, lights, fans, seeds, pots, soil, jars, electric cable, pruning equipment etc I probably spent €1000, nearly recouped that in herb terms with 2 plants in my first grow.

Finally, finally, hoping I make it to week 11 and beyond, feel free to get in touch, aim is for weekly updates.
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subbed :pop: ppp
Seed- Blue Kush Auto-Dinafem

Harvest time- 75 days

Tent- Finether 60x60cmx140cm
(2ftx2ftx4ft 7")

Lights- 2x Kingbo Dual Optical Lens series 300W ( last grow went 24hr, this grow 20/4, turning off at the hottest part of the day, to try maintain sub 32c )

Pots- 20L (5 Gallon US) fabric pot
(Stupidly didn't fill up enough).

Soil- 60% John Innis 2 seedling potting compost, 30% pearlite, 5% well rotted horse manure, 5% vermiculite, Approx.
( Garden centre bought manure, hoping will add microbial activity to soil )


Humidifier- CLBO Ultrasonic Mini Cool Mist ( ok bit of kit, handy for seedling/veg stage ).

Fans- 2x Pro Breeze 6" mini clip ( 2 speed ).

Air extraction- Multiware Mixed Flow Inline Duct Fan 4" + carbon air filter and 20m of ducting to vent air to vent hole in roof soffit.
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lookin happeee enuff so far! :thumbsup: ppp
Thanks boss

Have had seeds two months now, so happy with results so far, wasn't sure if wee one was going to make it, but knowing Dinafem I'm sure will be fine, thanks for looking in bud
wasn't sure if wee one was going to make it

hey, all of us here may have diff opinionz about this or that, but one thing me sure we all agree on is -> autoz are just plain TOUGH lil bitchez! ;) ppp
Day 16, just coming to the end of day 16 here, v happy with growth so far.


One plant doing especially well, seed sprouted before smaller plant too, 8 hours after pic taken smaller plant had sprouted, initial tap root known as the radicle.


Next step some LST for Alpha plant...
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End of day 17 update...

Low Stress Training ( LST ) and some leaf tucking been taking place in last 24 hrs. hopefully will encourage more colas.

Main stem bent over with some metal wire wrapped in some insulating tape, along with leaf tucking have had to adjust few times.

24 hrs after LST

LST start

Have ordered AN Sensi Grow for veg feed, more on feed to come..
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