New Grower Second Grow: Amnesia Haze AF, Viparspectra600w LED, Apollo Tent, + L. Williamsii Seedlings

Well, today for watering/feeding I decided to up the ante with ff grow big added [was going to wait til around 2.5 weeks to 3 weeks but I should hopefully be alright], so now - 1/2tsp ff growbig, 1tsp 1-0-0 calmag, and 4tblsp ff bigbloom; all mixed in distilled water. Poured around 2L probably til runoff. Will alternate this feeding every other watering.

Hopefully I'll surpass my first grow in staving off any deficiencies. Now that I have this calmag that should help this time around, versus last time to where I got cal deficiency right around preflower roughly.

Cheers guys :D

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Just watered with distilled and 1 tsp 1-0-0 calmag, about 2L or so. Went up to the garden store and saw this real thick highly bendable soft tie, I was skeptical at first but ended up getting it and mannnn is that stuff so gentle when working with the plants, very easy to lasso around a branch and twist it around the branch with your fingers. A+++ :D

First bend of lst today. :cheers::headbang:


I use those too for LST :d5:, they're very convenient for that. However, it seems that their are some kinds that are softer and some are harder (due to the wire). The sturdy ones were better :2cents:.
She grew from those tie downs lastnight, so this morning I noticed there were a couple spots, one I tied to the side of the pot, then there's another one you cant see to where I cut a little piece of the soft tie and pinned certain fan leaves down into the dirt to open up light to some of the new shoots and whatnot.

She seemed to handle the addition of ff growbig at 1/2 tsp, might give 1 tsp a shot next time I feed. :D Cheers

It's been a few days since an update. The amnesia haze has put on some nice, bushy growth. Been 3 days since last watering so watered, along with a feeding this time around, and this time I went from my previous 1/2 tsp/gal ff growbig to now 1tsp ff growbig, along with the 1-0-0 calmag.

Today I also seen near the tips of the lower fans some random deficiency spotting - on a couple of the serrations and also a spot 'near' the tip of the leaves. Not entirely sure what to make of it, I think I'm just going to post it in the infirmary. Since it's only on a few lower fans and not on the top/new growth. PH checked was 6.6, 6.7, 6.7 in three different spots. Since it's only affecting the edges of the serrations, almost makes me think some form of K deficiency.

A lovely day otherwise, cheers guys :pass:


A shot from today :D

Some orange/brown necrotic edges/serrations, not sure what to make of it, figured what I've been running nutrient wise has been sufficient along with the FF OF soil. Today marks 3 weeks since sprout. Overall the plant looks healthy. Hopefully the def on these few lower fans doesn't spread, given the nutrient dosages being used.

